Perform Task Actions

You can perform required actions on tasks that are assigned to you.

Click Actions on the task's row, and choose an action from the menu that displays to act on the task. When you take action on a task, it moves to the next step in the process instance.

Action Description

Submit a task.

Click SUBMIT from the Actions menu, and in the resulting dialog, click SUBMIT. Optionally, review the task form and enter information in any required fields of the form by clicking the View Details link. You can also add your comments in the Comments field before you perform the submit action.


Approve a task.

Click APPROVE from the Actions menu, and in the resulting dialog, click APPROVE. Optionally, review the task form and enter information in any required fields of the form by clicking the View Details link. You can also add your comments in the Comments field before you perform the submit action.


Reject a task.

Click REJECT from the Actions menu, and in the resulting dialog, click REJECT. Optionally, review the task form and enter information in any required fields of the form by clicking the View Details link. You can also add your comments in the Comments field before you perform the submit action.


If a task is assigned to multiple users or a group, the task will appear as Unclaimed to all the users or group in the Team tasks page. Any of the users can claim the task to act upon it. After a user claims a task, other assignees won't be able to access the task as the task will disappear from the Team tasks page.

The task will be available under the My tasks page of the user who claimed the task, and the status of the task changes to Assigned.


If you don't want a task, you can withdraw it.

Once withdrawn, the task disappears from the task list. The next activity of the process instance becomes available to be acted upon.

From the My tasks, Started by me, and Managed by me pages, you can do a bulk withdrawal of tasks.
  • Select the tasks that you want to withdraw.
  • Click Withdraw.

You can escalate a task to other users and/or roles.

Click Escalate from the Actions menu. In the resulting Escalate Tasks dialog, select one or more user and/or role in the drop-down list available from the Select members field. Add a comment in the Comment field to let users know the reason for escalation. Click Escalate.

The task will be escalated to the specified users and/or roles. If the task is escalated to a single user then it will appear as an Assigned task in the task list of the user, and the task's status will be displayed as Escalated. If the task is escalated to more than one user and/or role then it will be in Unassigned state, with the sub-state Escalated.

Note that escalation can also be automatically triggered for a task if it hasn't been acted upon even after a certain time interval has elapsed. To do so, you have to define the escalation policy for the human task in design-time. See Configure Task Escalation or Expiration.

Request Info

You can request for more information on a task assigned to you.

Click Request Info from the Actions menu, and in the resulting Request more information dialog, select a user from the User drop-down list from whom you want more information. Add a comment in the Comment field. Click Request Info.

The task will be available to the user from whom you requested information. The status of the task changes to Info Requested.

Submit Info

You can provide the information requested for a task.

You can act upon a task with the status Info Requested by selecting Submit Info from the Actions menu of the task. Provide the required information in the resulting dialog, and click Submit Info.

The task will be available to the user who requested for the information. The status of the task changes to Info Submitted.


You can reassign a task assigned to you to a different user or role.

Select the task, and then click Reassign from the Actions menu.

From the My tasks, Started by me, and Managed by me pages, you can do a bulk reassign of tasks.
  • Select the tasks that you want to reassign.
  • Click Reassign .

In the resulting Reassign Tasks dialog, select a user or a role in the drop-down list available from the Select members field. Optionally, add a comment in the Comment field. Click Reassign. Note that the task/tasks disappear from your task list.

The task/tasks will appear as Assigned task/tasks in the task list of the user to whom you had reassigned.


Suppose you realize that you don't need to act upon an assigned task, you can release the task and make it available in the Team task page so that other users can act upon it as required.

The task will be available in the Team task page. Its status changes to Unclaimed.

Additionally, you can also select and open the task and perform actions from the task's details window. See View and Complete Tasks.