View or Edit Roles After Activation

You can view application and global roles that were created and activated in design time, and also modify them for production purposes from the Workspace Roles page.

  1. From the Workspace navigation menu, click and expand Administration and then choose Roles.
    A list of roles configured for the Process Automation instance is displayed.
  2. Find the role you want to view or edit.
    1. Select the Global or Application tab. Global roles are listed under the Global tab and application roles are listed under the Application tab.
    2. Click the Search icon and enter the first few letters of a role’s name (case sensitive) in the Search field.
  3. Select the role to open and view its users/groups, permissions, and the process application/applications that the role is used.

    You can also click Actions Actions icon and choose Edit to open and view the role's details.

    To delete a role, click Actions Actions icon and choose Delete. Note that the Process Application Administrator global role is a system generated role and can't be deleted.

  4. You can do the following in the role's details window:
    1. Add users or groups to the role.
      1. In the Search by field, select Users, Groups, or External applications from the drop-down list.
      2. In the search field, search and select the user, group or external application that you want to add to the role. A tick mark next to the user, group, or external application indicates that it has been selected, and the newly added user, group or external application gets listed under Add members to this role.


      Changing a global role’s users, groups, or external application changes them for every application in which the global role is used.
    2. Update permissions for the role.
      1. Expand Permissions. The Permissions section shows the application (or applications for global roles) in which the role is used.
      2. Click Permission level iconin the Action column and choose a permission from the list to change the permission level.

      This changes the user or group's permission level for the application in which the role is used.

    3. Additionally for global roles, you can assign permissions to applications.
      1. In the Search field, search for the application to which you want to assign the permission or select it from the list of applications that display.
      2. By default, the Read permission is assigned. You can update the permission level if required.


      Permissions assigned to a global role can be deleted. However permission assigned (during design-time) to an application role cannot be deleted.
  5. Click Save.