Add a Global Role in Workspace

You can create global roles in Workspace and assign users/groups or external applications, and permissions.

  1. From the Workspace navigation pane, click and expand Administration, and then choose Roles.

    A list of roles configured for the Process Automation instance is displayed.

  2. Click Create global role in the upper right corner. The window for creating a global role appears.
  3. Enter a name for the global role in the Role name field, optionally add a suitable description for the role, and click Save.
    The new role is now listed on the Global tab.
  4. Add users or groups to the role.
    1. In the Search by field, select Users, Groups, or External applications from the drop-down list.
    2. In the search field, search and select the user, group, or external application that you want to add to the role. A tick mark next to the user or group indicates that it has been selected, and the newly added user, group, or external application gets listed under Add members to this role.
  5. Assign application/applications to the role.
    1. Expand Permissions.
    2. In the Search field, search for the application to which you want to add permission.
      As a global role can be linked and used in many process applications, you can assign multiple applications to the role.
  6. By default, Read permission is set for an application. If required, you can change the permission level to Inspect, Use or Manage for the application/applications that you added for the role.
  7. Click Save.