Prod vs Non Prod Chart

Location: On the Self Healing Chart view (Chart View Icon). For more information on how to access the Self Healing Dashboard view, see Accessing the Self Healing Dashboard and Navigating the Self Healing Dashboard

The Prod vs Non Prod Chart shows the environment type, the service name and the actions count per service for the corrective actions performed in the last three months. By default, this report shows data for the last three months, with the possibility to select any of the previous 12 months, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Chart View: The chart displays the environment type, the service name and the actions count performed per service where:
  • Environment Type refers to either production or non-production environments where actions were performed.
  • Service Name refers to the OCI service where actions were performed.
  • Actions Count is the number of total actions performed
Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Prod vs Non Prod table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view shows details about the corrective actions taken for your organization's production and non-production environments. Each record in the table shows detailed information for the corresponding self healing corrective action, as explained n Using the Chart Table View.