How Backups Are Initiated

Backups are initiated in several different ways.

  • Oracle SOA Cloud Service initiates scheduled automated backups on the following default schedule:

    • Full backups are initiated weekly starting 12 hours after a service instance was created, rounded to the nearest five-minute interval.

      For example, if a service instance is created at 1:01 PM on a Monday, full backups are initiated at 1:00 AM on Tuesdays.

    • Incremental backups are initiated every day except the day of a full backup at the same time that full backups are initiated.

      For example, if a service instance is created at 1:01 PM on a Monday, incremental backups are initiated at 1:00 AM every day except Tuesdays.

    You can change the schedule on which automated backups are initiated as explained in Configure Automated Backups for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.


    You cannot configure how often backups are performed, only when they are performed.

  • You can initiate a backup immediately without having to wait for the next scheduled backup as explained in Initiate an On-Demand Backup of an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.

  • Oracle SOA Cloud Service initiates a full backup immediately before an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance is patched.

  • Oracle SOA Cloud Service initiates an incremental backup immediately before an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance is scaled in or scaled out.