Where Backups Are Stored

Oracle SOA Cloud Service stores all backups in an Oracle SOA Cloud Service container. To speed up restorations from recent backups, Oracle SOA Cloud Service also keeps a local copy of any backup it has recently created.


Do not attempt to download the backup files generated by Oracle SOA Cloud Service. These files are encrypted and not accessible offline. You must use Oracle SOA Cloud Service to restore a service instance from a backup.

How Backups in a Storage Container Are Stored

By default, Oracle SOA Cloud Service stores backups in the container that was specified when the service instance was created. You can choose to store the backups in a different container as explained in Configure Automated Backups for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.

Oracle SOA Cloud Service automatically deletes a backup when the retention period for the backup has elapsed.

How Local Copies of Backups Are Stored

Oracle SOA Cloud Service stores local copies in a dedicated volume mounted on the block storage attached to the virtual machine where the Administration Server is running. A backup fails if there is insufficient free space on this volume.

How long Oracle SOA Cloud Service keeps the local copy of a backup before deleting it depends on the extent of the backup:

  • For an incremental backup, Oracle SOA Cloud Service keeps the local copy for seven days.

  • For a full backup, Oracle SOA Cloud Service keeps the local copy for as long as the local copy of its last related incremental backups is kept, or for seven days, whichever is longer.

How Backups and Local Copies Are Deleted Automatically

After completing the day’s scheduled backup, Oracle SOA Cloud Service deletes any backups or local copies that are due to be deleted that day. If the scheduled backup fails because of insufficient space, backups and local copies that are due to be deleted are still deleted.


When an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance is deleted, all its backups are deleted.