Problems with Creating Service Instances

You may experience problems when creating services.

In the process of creating a service, the operation failure becomes visible in the following way:

  1. The service instance appears in the Services list in the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console.

  2. An In progress... message appears in the service instance details.

  3. When the creation process fails, a Failed message is displayed and a red exclamation mark appears on the service instance's icon.

  4. The service instance is listed in the Service Create or Delete History section.

  5. Click on Details to view progress and error messages.

The most common sources of failure when creating a service instance include:

  • Timeout errors

  • SSH connection issues

  • Incorrect credentials

  • Database listener down

The following solutions apply to problems creating service instances for Oracle SOA Cloud Service:

My database is not listed in provisioning screens

Possible causes for not seeing your database listed in the provisioning wizard screens are:

  • Required Oracle Cloud Infrastructure policies are not created. See “Create a Policy” in the tutorial Creating the Infrastructure Resources Required for Oracle Platform Services to add the following policy:

    Allow service PSM to inspect database-family in compartment <compartment_name>

  • The database is not a supported version.
  • The database uses Logical Volume Management (LVM) storage, which is not supported.
  • The database does not have backup storage, which is required.

Provisioning fails with incorrect PDB value

If provisioning fails with an incorrect pluggable database (PDB) value or you want to find out the PDB name in your database, use the following command:


I cannot create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service — Virtual Image instance when I choose a Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service — Virtual Image database deployment

A failure occurs when you attempt to create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance with a Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service — Virtual Image database deployment.

To prevent this failure, you must first configure the Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service — Virtual Image environment.

I receive a database connectivity error message

You may not be able to create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance because the oracle user does not have a password in Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instances. To modify the properties of the oracle users so that the password does not expire, see Problems Creating Instances.

I cannot create a service when I have many service instances

Your account may not have enough compute quota to create the service instance.

If you have instances you do not need, delete them. If you need all your service instances, contact Oracle Sales and Services to buy more quota for your account.

I cannot create a service instance, even after waiting for an hour

If service creation fails after one hour, the system may be experiencing a heavy load, and resources are not yet available.

Wait before you try again to create the service. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

I cannot create a service instance when the service instance name is not unique

Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance creation can fail if the name you choose for the new service instance is identical to the name of another service instance, including a failed service instance. Also, the Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance name cannot be the same as the name of an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance.

After an attempt to create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance fails, Oracle SOA Cloud Service may require some time to remove items that were created during the attempt. If the new and failed service instance names are identical, a naming conflict may occur and the attempt to create the new service instance may fail.


As a best practice, always ensure that your Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance names are unique.

I receive an error message stating that no database service is available

If you attempt to create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service using an Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service database deployment that does not have backups enabled (Destination=None), then provisioning fails and the following error message is issued:

There are no Oracle Database Cloud Service instances available for Service Level: 
Oracle Java Cloud Service

Create a new database deployment with backups enabled and specify this database deployment when you create a new Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance.

I encounter Intermittent provisioning failures for clustered instances based on WebLogic Server 12.2.1

Your attempt to create an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance based on WebLogic Server release 12.2.1 can fail if you use the REST API to create an instance containing a large number of cluster members. You cannot create clustered instances by using the Oracle SOA Cloud Service user interface.

The cause of the problem is that an exclusive configuration lock acquired by one process is released by another process that successfully acquires another exclusive lock.

This problem is intermittent, so try again to provision a service instance. Alternatively, provision a smaller cluster and then scale out your nodes.

I encounter a database connection error when creating an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance

In the process of creating an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance while using the Service Instance Creation Wizard, you may receive the following error message: Failed to connect to DBaaS Service.

To help identify the problem, confirm that the user name and password are correct by connecting to the database via sqlplus. Also, confirm that you have the correct privileges. For more information, see About Database as a Service Roles and Users.

If you have done these checks and do not see any issues, the problem might be that the oracle password has expired on the database node.

You can change the properties of the oracle user so that the password does not expire. See Problems Accessing Instances.