Problems with Deploying and Accessing Applications

Problems might occur when you attempt to deploy or access an application.

I can’t deploy an application to an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance based on WebLogic Server 11g

You can deploy an application that relies on Java EE 6 or Java EE 7 component jars such as JSF 2.0 to an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance based on WebLogic Server 11g only if you manually package the relevant libraries for your application. Java EE 6 or Java EE 7 component jars such as JSF 2.0 are not packaged by default.

The recommended version for deploying this type of application is WebLogic Server 12c.

I can’t access an application using the URL from the WebLogic Server Administration Console Testing tab

You cannot access a deployed application from the public internet if you use the URL displayed on the Testing tab of the WebLogic Sever Administration Console. The URLs shown on this tab are internal to Oracle SOA Cloud Service. Instead, use the procedure in Accessing an Application Deployed to an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance.

I can’t access an application through the HTTP port

By default, you cannot access an application running on an instance through the HTTP port if the instance was created by using the Create New Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance wizard available from the Oracle Java Cloud Service Console. You must enable the HTTP port after you create the service instance. The instance is accessible, however, via HTTPs without manual intervention.

Both the HTTP and HTTPS ports are enabled by default if you created the Oracle Java Cloud Service instance by using the REST API.

To enable the HTTP for a service instance created with the wizard, you must enable a listener port on the load balancer, then create an access rule. If your service instance has a load balancer, see Enabling HTTP Access to an Oracle Java Cloud Service Instance.

If your service instance does not have a load balancer, you must enable a network channel on all Managed Servers to ensure that they are listening on the port you are opening, then create the access rule. See Create and Assign the Network Channel in Administering Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

See Understanding the Default Access Ports in Using Oracle Java Cloud Service.