Update Backup and Recovery Credentials

Use the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console to update the storage container and credentials used to access backup storage resources.

To update backup and recovery credentials:

  1. In the Oracle SOA Cloud Service Console, click the name of the instance you want to back up.

  2. On the Overview page, click the Administration tile.

  3. Click Manage backups for this instance icon adjacent to Available Backups and select Configure Backups.

  4. Complete the following fields:

    Field Description

    Storage Container

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Enter the URL of an existing bucket in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage in the following format: https://swiftobjectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/v1/account/bucket.

    For example: https://swiftobjectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/v1/myCompany/myBucket.

    Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic: Enter the name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic container used to provide storage for your service instance backups using the following format: Storage-storage_identitydomain/containername.

    For example: Storage-us4l12opcsoa01/InsightBackup.


    Before you switch the Storage Container to a new URL, make sure that existing backups are deleted. You may get an error if the instance has backups present, as these will not be accessible after switching containers.


    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic: Enter the user name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic service user with access permissions to the container you specified earlier. If the container does not exist, then enter the user name of a service administrator.

    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Enter the user name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage user with access permissions to the bucket you specified earlier. (Not available on Oracle Cloud at Customer).


    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic: Enter the password of the user that you specified.

    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: Enter the auth token generated in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for the user that you specified. (Not available on Oracle Cloud at Customer).

If Configure Backups is disabled, and Oracle SOA Cloud Service backups are failing because of incorrect credentials, then you can enable backups and reset with new credentials using the following REST API:

curl -v -i -X POST -u "MyservicesUsername:MyservicesPassword" -d @enable.json -H "Content-type:application/json" -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:identityDomain" https://restServerURL/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/identityDomain/services/SOA/instances/instanceName/backupconfi

Example command:

curl -v -i -X POST -u "MyUser@company.com:MyservicesPassword" -d @enable.json -H "Content-type:application/json" -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:idcs-7dc693e80d9b469480d7afe00e743931" https://psm.us.oraclecloud.com/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/idcs-7dc693e80d9b469480d7afe00e743931/services/SOA/instances/SOADev/backupconfi

Sample enable.json file:

   "backups": "ENABLE", 
   "cloudStorageContainer": "https://foo.storage.oraclecloud.com/v1/MyService-bar/MyContainer", 
   "cloudStorageUser": "NewOrExistingStorageUserName", 
   "cloudStoragePassword": "NewStoragepassword" 

After running this command, monitor the job activity. Once it is successful, the Configure Backups button will be enabled, storage credentials are updated with the new credentials, and backups should succeed.