2 Migration/Side-by-Side Upgrade for Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace

Learn how to migrate your on-premises SOA application to the cloud or how to do a side-by-side upgrade in the cloud for Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.

Provision Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace

Provision a new Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance before starting the other migration and side-by-side upgrade related tasks. You’ll migrate configurations from your old source environment into this newly provisioned instance of Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.

Create a simple hello world application (SOA composite/OSB proxy service/B2B agreement) and test to check that it works.

Prepare Clients for Migration/Side-by-Side Upgrade

Configure and prepare your clients such that the transition of HTTP clients from the old deployment to the new deployment is smooth and happens by switching the Domain Name System (DNS) entry.

These changes can be done gradually over time because after these changes are completed everything continues to work as before the changes. This includes some changes to the source environment.

To prepare clients:

  1. Get a DNS name issued from DNS issuing authority. Point this DNS name to the source environment load balancer.

    If you are already using a DNS name in clients skip this step.

  2. Create a new port in the source environment load balancer that matches the target Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace port number. Add routing rule to this new port to route to the original load balancer port in the source environment.

    Note that on-premises SOA applications can use a different port number than the target Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace environment. This makes it impossible to switch clients during transition from the old to the new deployment by switching the DNS.

  3. Change all clients to use the DNS name and new port.

    For SSL, it might be required that the trust certificate for the target environment server has to be pre-configured at the client so that transition from the source to the target environment works smoothly.

  4. If you were already set up to use a global DNS name, ensure that the Oracle WebLogic Server front end host points to the load balancer and not the DNS name.

    Ensure that the loopback HTTP invokes point to the Oracle WebLogic Server front end host/port. For SOA, also ensure that the loopback abstract WSDL/Schema references point to the WebLogic FE host/port.

    These changes ensure that:

    • Callbacks come back to the source domain that issued the request, after transitioning to the target.

    • Loopbacks in the source domain come back to the source domain after transitioning to the target.

Prepare Your Source for Migration/Side-by-Side Upgrade

You have to migrate the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) projects and export or capture needed artifacts from the source environment to prepare your source for Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace migration/side-by-side upgrade.

To prepare your source:
  1. Migrate IDE projects to the 12c IDE that matches the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace version for SOA/Oracle Service Bus.
  2. Export metadata from the source environment for B2B/Oracle Service Bus, where the IDE is not used.

    For B2B, export the full repository. See "Importing and Exporting the Design-Time Repository" in Using Oracle B2B ( | | | 12.1.3).

  3. Grab the domain file system artifacts such as custom XPath functions, B2B Java callouts, SOA token mapping file and any script scheduled with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS) for Oracle Service Bus/SOA.
  4. Ensure that there are no hard-coded URLs in the job definitions for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. Use tokens instead.

    See "Using Token Substitution" in Developing Applications for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ( | | | 12.1.3).

  5. Export the shared artifacts that are stored in MetaData Services (MDS) schemas in the source environment by using the offline WLST command:
    sca_exportSharedData(serverURL, JARfile, pattern, username, password)
  6. Export /oracle/apps/ess/custom namespace in the ESS partition essUserMetadata for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. Do this export using MDS export in the application essnativehostingapp in MDS.
  7. Export /oracle/as/ess/essapp/custom namespace in the ESS partition essapp-internal-partition for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. Do this export using MDS export in the application ESSAPP in MDS.
  8. Note the token values in URLs for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler. You will need this later.

    Note the token values to be used for cloud, if different.

  9. For SOA, if there are references to schemas and abstract WSDLs that are different in the cloud, change the source environment for composites or capture it in the configuration plan.
  10. For Oracle Service Bus/SOA, adjust the customization files/configuration plans for deployment to the target instance. Change URLs to values appropriate for Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.
  11. Use the T3 syntax cluster:t3://clustername for local loopback T3 references in configurations.

    Some products like Oracle Service Bus do not support this syntax. For loopback WebLogic JMS URL, use jms://connection_factory/.....

  12. If you are migrating to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (ATP-D), to ensure successful export of the SOAINFRA schema from your on-premises database, run the following command to unlock the schema before export:

Prepare Your Target Environment

Prepare your target environment by importing or recreating all the configurations of your source. This will ensure successful deployment of the target Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance.

To prepare your target environment:
  1. Create the required WLS artifacts.

    WLS artifacts can be: Java Message Service (JMS) queue, Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) adapter configurations, data source, work managers, J2EE app deployment, JMS servers, JMS topics, and so on.

  2. Implement any security configurations.

    Security configurations can be: custom Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) policies, Credential Store Framework (CSF) keys, certificates, users, groups, custom Oracle Platform Security Service (OPSS) roles, custom OPSS permissions, group memberships, role memberships, enterprise roles, OPSS credentials and so on.

    For information on OPSS commands to migrate keystores , see Managing Keystores with WLST in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

    For information on OPSS commands to migrate credentials, see Managing Credentials with WLST in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

    For information on OWSM commands to migrate custom policies, see Migrating Policies in Administering Web Services.

  3. Test that your security configurations work.
    • Create a simple application comprising of SOA composite, OSB proxy service, B2B agreement, ESS job.

    • Ensure that the application uses at least one of the keys/certificates/credentials.

    • Test to check if the application works.

    • Check if you can view an imported user in LDAP.

  4. Import shared artifacts in MetaData Services (MDS) schemas for SOA.
  5. Deploy projects from the console for SOA/Oracle Service Bus.

    Use the prepared customization file/configuration plan. Ensure loopback abstract WSDL/Schema references and loopback HTTP invokes point to the target environment Load Balancer and not the DNS name.

    For inbound adapters, if the address for both deployments is the same, ensure that it doesn’t start processing production messages by externally blocking it from accessing inbound endpoints. Then, if possible, you can deactivate the SOA adapter.

  6. Import artifacts for B2B.

    The inbound channels are disabled by default. If required, add URLs in the console for the cloud and deploy all artifacts.

  7. Import /oracle/apps/ess/custom namespace and /oracle/as/ess/essapp/custom namespace for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.
  8. Enter the token values noted earlier for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.
  9. Rebind work assignments to the cluster or managed server for Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.

    See Managing Work Assignments and Workshifts in Administering Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.

  10. Add file system artifacts captured from the source environment, such as custom XPath functions, SOA token mapping file, B2B java callouts.
  11. Test the endpoints.

    Use the endpoints in the application (SOA composite, OSB proxy service, B2B agreement, ESS job) created for testing and check if it works. After testing, change it back to the original endpoints.

  12. Add scripts scheduled with Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.
  13. Set your tuning settings if they are available.
  14. Redo all the SOA Composer customizations manually.
  15. Redo any Enterprise Manager configuration steps manually.
  16. If Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace is going to access endpoints on-premises then you may need VPN.

    You can setup VPN through IPSec VPN.

  17. Apply UMS configuration manually to the target environment.

Test Your Target Environment

You can test your target environment at this point to check if everything is working as expected after the migration. It is assumed that you have already tested in a stage system (test environment).

To test your target environment:
  1. Use endpoints to test in the configuration plans of the steps that you have completed till now.
  2. Test and check if everything is working as expected.
  3. Switch to production endpoints.
    This may require projects to be redeployed with appropriate configuration plans.

Transition from Old Deployment to New Deployment

After you have prepared your source and target environments for the migration, you can transition your production system from old deployment to new deployment. You can do this by transitioning: HTTP Clients, inbound adapters where address is the same for old and new, clients of inbound adapters where address is different for old and new, and clients who are reading from the old environment (such as a JMS queue) but now need to read from the target environment.

Note that the transition from old to new deployment will not work if the following are used:

  • BPEL correlation sets or message ordering.

  • Mid-process receives from clients in BPEL.

  • If SOA composites have human workflow elements.

To transition from old to new deployment:
  1. De-activate the inbound composite/adapter/channel/transport in the old deployment if the inbound address in both old and new deployment is same.

    For FTP inbound, delete any processed file left behind after processing.

  2. Switch the DNS.

    The DNS switch is not instantaneous and may take a while (depending on TTL settings in routers) to propagate across the internet.

  3. Enable inbound composite/adapter/channel/transport in the target environment system.

    For some inbound adapters like WLS Java Messaging Service (JMS), the address is different and clients have to change the address and switch.

  4. Terminate all ESS jobs in the source environment and schedule them in the target environment.
  5. Ensure that callback and loopback invokes in SOA must come to the domain that initiated it. So the old deployment continues processing callbacks/loopbacks while new requests are processed by the new deployment.

    When all callbacks/loopbacks are processed and all backlog messages are processed and there is no need for a rollback, then you can destroy the old deployment. External clients who read from, for example, local weblogic JMS queues in the source deployment will switch to the target deployment after all messages are processed.

Reconfigure Configuration Parameters and Tune in Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace

Reconfigure any Enterprise Manager tuning and configuration parameters that you had previously set in the source environment or you need to change in the target environment.

You’ll perform these steps as part of preparing your target environment for transitioning from the old to the new environment.


  • Lazy loading

  • Modularity profile

  • Autopurge

  • Timeouts (transaction, Enterprise JavaBeans, HTTP)

  • Work managers

  • SOA data source connection pool

  • Resiliency

  • In-memory

  • EDN

  • Instance tracking


  • Dispatcher

  • Processor thread pool

  • Attach ESS web service OWSM policy

  • Scheduled purge


  • Results cache

  • Work managers


Migrate Data Components

Migrate your data components such as LDAP, OPSS, OWSM, ESS, B2B, OSB and SOA from the source to the target environment.

You’ll perform these tasks as part of preparing your target environment for transitioning from the old environment to the new.

Migrate your data components in the following order:

  1. Migrate LDAP Data

  2. Migrate OPSS Data

  3. Migrate OWSM Data

  4. Migrate the remaining data (ESS, B2B, OSB and SOA) in any order.

Move LDAP Data

LDAP data includes the Oracle WebLogic Server specified user, group, enterprise role and security policies (predefined Oracle WebLogic configurations and configurations that users have added to internal LDAP). Import and move the LDAP data from your source to your target environment.

For migrating LDAP data from your on-premises SOA instance to the cloud, refer to the WebLogic LDAP documentation or refer to your on-premises IDM documentation. Check if any migration is possible or you will need to manually re-enter everything.

The WebLogic console has commands to export and import internal LDAP. This can be used to move users/groups/group memberships/enterprise roles etc. By default, LDAP import will not overlay users and groups, and other artifacts that are already there. This is the desired behavior. For details, see Exporting and Importing Information in the Embedded LDAP Server in Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

When you export the whole LDAP, information which the integration does not use such as XACML policies and default credential mapper, also gets exported. This information may get seeded by WebLogic and exporting/importing this information can have issues. So do not export/import this information.

For information on how to handle the WebLogic OOTB security provider data migration, see:

You can navigate to any security provider that supports the migration functions and invoke the import( ) and/or export ( ) MBean operation such that this security provider’s data can be addressed outside of any other security provider data. See Migrating Data with WLST in Administering Security for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Here is an example with direct lookup vs navigation:

$ java weblogic.WSLT
% connect()
% serverConfig()
% realm = cmo.getSecurityConfiguration().getDefaultRealm()
% atn = realm.lookupAuthenticationProvider('DefaultAuthenticator')
% atn.exportData('DefaultAtn', 'myFile', None)
% disconnect()

You can use WLST if you decide that you need any data beyond the default Authenticator (Embedded LDAP users/groups). It is recommended that you also export roles.

Exporting LDAP Data

This is an example of commands to export LDAP data from on-premises Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3.

Before exporting LDAP data, enter the following commands in the source 12.1.3 environment.

ssh -i opc_rsa opc@<source_admin_host_ip>
sudo -su oracle
cd /u01/
cd /app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
  1. Export users and groups.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.exportData('DefaultAtn', '<filename>', Properties())


    cmo.exportData('DefaultAtn','/tmp/ldapdata/DefaultAuthenticator.dat', Properties())
  2. Export security roles.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.exportData('XACML','<filename>', Properties())
  3. Export credential mapper.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.exportData('DefaultCreds','<filename>', Properties())
  4. Export XACML Authorizer.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.exportData('XACML','<filename>', Properties())

    Where <filename> is the file path where data needs to be exported.

  5. Copy the exported file to a local computer.

    Create a directory where you can copy the exported data and enter the following commands:

    scp DefaultAuthenticator.dat <username:source_host_ip>:/<local_export_dir_path>
    scp DefaultCredentialMapper.dat <username:source_host_ip>:/<local_export_dir_path>
    scp XACMLAuthorizer.dat <username:source_host_ip>:/<local_export_dir_path>
    scp XACMLRoleMapper.dat <username:source_host_ip>:/<local_export_dir_path>
  6. Copy the SOA LDAP data from the 12.1.3 host to the target SOA Suite on Marketplace host. For example:

    Create a directory on the target environment.

    Go to the target directory folder where exported files should be copied and enter the following commands:

    scp <username:TARGET_SOACS_HOST_IP>:/<local_export_dir>/DefaultAuthenticator.dat
    scp <username:TARGET_SOACS_HOST_IP>:/<local_export_dir>/DefaultCredentialMapper.dat
    scp <username:TARGET_SOACS_HOST_IP>:/<local_export_dir>/XACMLAuthorizer.dat
    scp <username:TARGET_SOACS_HOST_IP>:/<local_export_dir>/XACMLRoleMapper.dat
Importing LDAP Data

This is an example of commands to import LDAP data into SOA Suite on Marketplace.

Before importing LDAP data, enter the following commands in the target SOA Suite on Marketplace environment:


These commands have been certified only on SOA Cloud Service, but are also applicable to Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.
ssh -i opc_rsa opc@<target_admin_host_ip>
sudo -su oracle
cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
  1. Import users and groups.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> + 
    cmo.importData('DefaultAtn','<filename>', Properties())
    cmo.importData('DefaultAtn','/tmp/temp_usera/DefaultAuthenticator.dat', Properties())
  2. Import security RoleMapper.
    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.importData('XACML','<filename>', Properties())
  3. Import credential mapper.

    SOA does not use the WebLogic credential mapper. In general, it is recommended not to import data that SOA does not use. This is because this data may have WebLogic seeded data which might conflict with seeded data in the target environment. However it is provided for completeness.

    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.importData('DefaultCreds','<filename>', Properties())
  4. Import XACML Authorizer.

    SOA does not use WebLogic XACML authorization. In general, it is recommended not to import data that SOA does not use. This is because this data may have WebLogic seeded data which might conflict with seeded data in the target environment. However it is provided for completeness.

    cd('serverConfig:/SecurityConfiguration/' + <currentDomainName> +
    cmo.importData('XACML','<filename>', Properties())

    Where filename is the directory in which the imported data needs to be placed.

Move OPSS Data

Move OPSS data by exporting from the source (on-premises Oracle SOA Suite application in case of migration to the cloud and SOA Suite on Marketplace in case of side-by-side upgrade). Then copy the exported file to the newly provisioned target environment and import.

OPSS consists of the following:

  • OPSS policies application roles and permissions

    These are mostly seeded automatically but in some cases customers can create their own roles and policies. Also, customers will define role memberships.

  • Keys, certificates and trust certificates

    These are used for authentication, signing, encryption and SSL. Trust certificates are public certificates of certificate issuing authorities to establish the trust chain.

  • Credentials

Note the following when you move OPSS data:

  • Bootstrap credentials and bootstrap keys must be preserved in the target environment domain and should not be overlayed with import and export.

    If nothing was done to specifically import/export keys into the system keystore in the source system, it is recommended that you do not migrate the source system keystore since the same contents will get seeded when the destination domain is created.

  • Migration of the OPSS audit service is not required.

  • Server SSL key must be preserved in the target environment domain and should not be overlayed with import and export.


Source environment deployment server certificates with host names in the certificates cannot be reused.
OPSS Policies

Integration products typically do not permit users to create custom policies (roles and permissions) with the exception of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS). You cannot move custom policies because they are intermingled with seeded policies and OPSS does not support moving just custom policies.

For ESS, the custom policies are in the native hosting application stripe and this stripe is empty out of the box. So, it is possible to move these policies intact. For details on how to do this, see Migrating Policies with migrateSecurityStore in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.


OPSS supports two types of keystores: JKS (old) and KSS. By default, 12c uses KSS.

If the keys and certificates are in JKS, there is no OPSS involvement. You can simply copy the file to the other domain and move it to KSS.

There are two options available for KSS migration:

  • Use the command MigrateSecurityStore to migrate across domains. This means that for side-by-side upgrade (cloud to cloud), it may be possible to migrate directly, that is, database to database across domains.

  • Use the command MigrateSecurityStore to migrate in a two-phased approach: migrate from KSS to file, copy over the file, and then migrate back to KSS.

For information on the commands and examples to migrate keys to file or across domains, see Migrating Keys and Certificates across Different Domains in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services. From a migration perspective, LDAP or DB should not make a difference. The steps to migrate are the same.

For information on importing and exporting individual keys in the keystores, see Tasks 4 and 5 of Managing Keystores with WLST in Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services. You can use this in the target environment to export the server SSL key before the move and import it back after the move.

Server certificates typically have DNS names in them and are not usable in the target environment.


You can use the migrateSecurityStore command to migrate credentials.

There are two variants of the migrateSecurityStore command:

You'll need to invoke migration in two phases:

  • Run the migration on the first domain to migrate credentials (all or a specific map) from DB to file. This will create a file cwallet.sso.

  • Carry over the file cwallet.sso to the second domain, and run the migration to migrate credentials from file cwallet.sso (carried over from phase 1) to DB in the second domain.

The export is done in the source environment domain. The exported file is carried over and then the import is done in the target environment domain.

The OWSM bootstrap CSF key in KSS should not be overlaid. The bootstrap CSF key entry is specified in wsm-config.xml under $DOMAIN_CONFIG_DIR/fmwconfig.

Steps for Migrating OPSS Data

This is an example of commands to migrate OPSS data from on-premises Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 to SOA Suite on Marketplace.


These commands have been certified only on SOA Cloud Service as a target environment, but are also applicable to Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.
  1. Download the opc_rsa file to the on-premises Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 host.

    Example commands:

    scp -i opc_rsa opc_rsa opc@
    ssh -i opc_rsa opc@
  2. Export preparation.

    Example commands:

    mkdir -p /u01/data/opss/export/
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBLS_domain/config/fmwconfig/system-jazn-data.xml 
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBLS_domain/config/fmwconfig/keystores.xml 
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBLS_domain/config/fmwconfig/cwallet.sso 
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBLS_domain/config/fmwconfig/jps-config-jse.xml 

    Add configurations into export-jps-config.xml.


    <serviceInstance name="policystore.dest" provider="policystore.xml.provider" 
    <description>File Based Policy Store Service Instance</description>
    <serviceInstance name="credstore.dest" provider="credstoressp" 
    <description>File Based Credential Store Service Instance</description>
    <serviceInstance name="keystore.dest" provider="keystore.provider">
    <description>Default JPS Keystore Service</description>
    <property name="keystore.file.path" value="/u01/data/opss/export"/>
    <jpsContext name="dest1213">
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.dest"/>
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="pdp.service"/>
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore.dest"/>
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="keystore.dest"/>
  3. Export OPSS data.

    Example commands:

    cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
    src="default", dst="dest1213")
    migrateSecurityStore(type="appPolicies", src="default", dst="dest1213",
    srcApp="EssNativeHostingApp", overWrite="true")
    fmwconfig/export-jps-config.xml", src="default",dst="dest1213")
  4. Copy SOA, OSB, and ESS OPSS data from the on-premises Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 host to the SOA Suite on Marketplace host.

    Example commands:

    scp -i /u01/data/opc_rsa /u01/data/opss/export/system-jazn-data.xml opc@
    scp -i /u01/data/opc_rsa /u01/data/opss/export/keystores.xml opc@
    scp -i /u01/data/opc_rsa /u01/data/opss/export/cwallet.sso opc@
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBLS_domain/config/fmwconfig/bootstrap/cwallet.sso /u01/data/opss/export/bootstrap_cwallet.sso
    scp -i /u01/data/opc_rsa /u01/data/opss/export/bootstrap_cwallet.sso opc@
  5. Save SOA, OSB, and ESS OPSS data.

    Example commands:

    ssh -i opc_rsa opc@
    chmod a+r /tmp/system-jazn-data.xml /tmp/keystores.xml /tmp/cwallet.sso
  6. Migrate preparation.

    Example commands:

    mkdir -p /u01/data/opss/bootstrap
    cd /u01/data/opss/
    cp /tmp/system-jazn-data.xml /tmp/keystores.xml /tmp/cwallet.sso /u01/data/opss
    cp /u01/data/domains/SOAOSBta_domain/config/fmwconfig/jps-config-jse.xml

    Add configuration into migrate-jps-config.xml.


    <serviceInstance name="policystore.src" provider="policystore.xml.provider" 
    <description>File Based Policy Store Service Instance</description>
    <serviceInstance name="credstore.src" provider="credstoressp" location="/u01/data/opss">
    <description>File Based Credential Store Service Instance</description>
    <serviceInstance name="keystore.src" provider="keystore.provider">
    <description>Default JPS Keystore Service</description>
    <property name="keystore.file.path" value="/u01/data/opss"/>
    <jpsContext name="soamp">
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="policystore.src"/>
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="pdp.service"/>
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="credstore.src"/>
    <jpsContext name="soampkss">
    <serviceInstanceRef ref="keystore.src"/>
  7. Migrate OPSS data to SOA Suite on Marketplace.

    Example commands:

    cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
    configFile="/u01/data/domains/SOAOSBta_domain/config/fmwconfig/migrate-jps-config.xml", src="soamp",
    migrateSecurityStore(type="appPolicies", src="soamp", dst="default",
    srcApp="EssNativeHostingApp", overWrite="true")

    If SOA, OSB, and ESS have keystores other then system keystore in the customer test environment then run the following example command to migrate OPSS and keystore data.

    //migrateSecurityStore(type="keyStore", srcConfigFile="/u01/data/opss/migrate-jps-config.xml", 
    src="soampkss", dst="default", srcStripe="<SOURCE_STRIPE>")

Move OWSM Data

Move OWSM data by exporting it from the source and importing it to the target environment.

OWSM has the following artifacts of interest:

  • CSF keys: There are references to CSF keys in OWSM policies/policy overrides. There is no change required as long as actual values are available in the credential store owned by OPSS. CSF keys must be available in the target environment.

  • certs and keys: OWSM supports two types of keystores: JKS (file based) and KSS (owned by OPSS). The certificates/aliases in the source environment should be made available in the target environment. There are references to keys/certificates in OWSM policies/policy overrides.

  • Custom OWSM authorization policies: These are same as custom policies.

  • Custom OWSM policies

    See Exporting Documents from the Repository Using WLST in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

    See Importing Documents into the Repository Using WLST in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

  • Additional configurations that may be required: trust config and OAuth config

In 12c, exportWSMRepository exports all custom policies from the repository, the trust configuration, OAuth configuration, and any other configuration documents.

In 11g, the specific custom policies have to be enumerated to export them. Note that it may not be as simple as moving the documents from 11g to 12c because as part of upgrade, the OWSM upgrade plugin takes care of adding/updating 12c specific changes in the artifacts. There may be no easy way to automate policy movement from 11g to 12c as part of migration.

Steps for Migrating OWSM Data

This is an example of commands to migrate OWSM data from on-premises Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 to SOA Suite on Marketplace.


These commands have been certified only on SOA Cloud Service as a target environment, but are also applicable to Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.
When migrating OWSM data, note that only custom policies and policy sets are migrated.
  1. Export OWSM data.

    On the source Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 environment, enter the following commands before exporting OWSM data:

    ssh -i opc_rsa opc@<source_admin_host_ip>
    sudo -su oracle
    cd /u01/
    cd /app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/


    wls:/SOAOSB12_domain/serverConfig> exportWSMRepository('/tmp/policies.zip',[''])

    This will export only the custom/cloned policies and custom policy sets into the policies.zip file under the /tmp folder.

  2. Copy the exported file to a local computer.

    Go to the directory where the exported data is saved, then move the file from the source to the local computer.

    scp policies.zip <username:source_admin_host_ip>:/<local_export_dir_path>


    scp policies.ip asmathur@adc01jjt.us.oracle.com:/scratch/exp_dat
  3. Copy OWSM data from the Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 host to the SOA Suite on Marketplace host.

    Create a folder on the target environment. Change to the target directory folder where exported files should be copied.

    scp <username:TARGET_SOAMP_HOST_IP>:/<local_export_dir>/policies.zip


    scp asmathur@adc01jjt.us.oracle.com:/scratch/export_data/policies.zip
  4. Import OWSM data.

    On the target SOA Suite on Marketplace environment, enter the following commands to import OWSM data:

    ssh -i opc_rsa opc@host_adminip_target
    sudo -su oracle
    cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/
    wls:/SOAB2B12_domain/serverConfig> importWSMArchive("/tmp/policies.zip")

    This will import all the custom policies and the global policy sets exported in the policies.zip file into the target SOA Suite on Marketplace server.

Move ESS Metadata

Since we need to export tip versions of metadata in MDS in a specific package, we can use the exportMetadata WLST command with docs parameter as "/oracle/apps/ess/custom/**" and "/oracle/as/ess/essapp/custom/**" to an archive. Then we can import from the archive to the target MDS repository using the importMetadata WLST command.

To ensure the metadata is independent of environment, we need to tokenize URLs in job definitions first. Users have to define the new token values in the target environment (if required).

For MDS importMetadata and exportMetadata commands, see exportMetadata and importMetadata in WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Components.

Steps for Migrating ESS Metadata

This is an example of commands to migrate ESS metadata from Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 to SOA Suite on Marketplace.


These commands have been certified only on SOA Cloud Service, but are also applicable to Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace.
  1. On the source Oracle SOA Suite 12.1.3 environment, enter the following commands:

  2. On the target SOA Suite on Marketplace environment, enter the following commands:


Move B2B Metadata

Move B2B metadata from your source to your target environment.

For detail instructions, see Importing and Exporting Data in Using Oracle B2B.

Move Oracle Service Bus Projects

The easiest way to export and import Oracle Service Bus metadata is through the console. You can export all the projects with one export.

See How to Export Resources to a Configuration JAR File in the Console in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.

Move SOA Projects

The SOA composite SAR archive can be generated easily in JDeveloper by generating a SAR archive (instead of deploying to the server). This can be deployed to the target Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace server from the console, ant script, or WLST script.

See Deploying SOA Composite Application in Oracle JDeveloper in Developing SOA Applications with Oracle SOA Suite.

Transition Inbound Adapters/Transports

For successful migration/side-by-side upgrade, you need to transition inbound adapters/transports.

There are two use cases to consider for transitioning inbound adapters/transports. During transition, you disable the inbound adapters/transport at the source and enable it on the target environment. Also, when you first deploy the projects to the target environment, you do not want inbound adapters/transports to process production messages right away until you are ready for the transition. To solve both the use cases, you can do any of the following:

  • Change the etc/host file or add/remove permissions for the file directory.

  • Change to composite or adapter activate/deactivate.

    SOA supports adapter activate/deactivate only in 12.1.3. In B2B, the inbound channel is disabled by default on import. Oracle Service Bus does not support this.

  • Change the inbound endpoints to test or true endpoints.

    This requires a redeployment.