Configure a Data Source for an ATP Database

The create script configures a JDBC data source using the downloaded ATP wallet files and the data source properties you provide.


  • The data source that you configure must not point to the SOAINFRA schema used to SOA servers to store metadata.
  • To perform this task, you need Create Session permission (that is, GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ATPUSER).
  • You must run the download script before you run the create script to configure the data source.

To configure a data source for an ATP database:

  1. Open an SSH connection to any node as the opc user, then change to the oracle user.
  2. Run the script and follow user prompts:

    At each prompt, enter a value or press Enter to accept the default value. The following is an example of the script response after entering the values:

    INFO: Found wallet config file
    INFO: Verifying existing datasources.
    INFO: Verified that no existing data source has the same name.
    INFO: Created datasource configuration file /tmp/.ds_config
    INFO: Creating the datasource ==> datasource1
    INFO: Connecting to the admin server [t3://servicename-wls-0:7001]...
    INFO: Adding properties to datasource
    INFO: Target Type : Server
    INFO: Targets : servicename_server_1
    INFO: Setting targets [[com.bea:Name=servicename_server_1,Type=Server]]
    INFO: Successfully create datasource [datasource1]
    INFO: Validating the Datasource [datasource1]
    INFO: Verify datasource on Server AdminServer
    -- Datasource datasource1 not found on server AdminServer.
    INFO: Verify datasource on Server servicename_server_1
    -- datasource1:      State[Running] Connection Test is OK