Download the ATP Wallet

The download script unpacks and copies the ATP wallet contents to a node.


The download script must be run before the create script that configures a data source.

If the data source target is the domain cluster, you must run the download script on every node in the cluster. If the target is individual servers, then run the script on those servers.

You need the public IP address of each node on which you plan to run the download script. Find the IP address on the compute instance details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. Look up the bastion's public IP address and the private IP address of a node if the WebLogic domain is in a private subnet.

  1. Open an SSH connection to a node as the opc user.
    ssh -i path_to_private_key opc@node_public_ip


    ssh -i path_to_private_key -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p -i path_to_private_key opc@bastion_public_ip" opc@node_private_ip
  2. Change to the oracle user.
    sudo su oracle
  3. Run the script by providing the following parameters:
    • OCID of the ATP database - You can find the OCID from the ATP database details page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
    • Password for the ATP wallet - The password must be at least 8 characters long, and includes at least 1 letter and either 1 numeric character or 1 special character.
    • Path to save the extracted ATP wallet files - The path to a directory on the domain where the script saves the extracted ATP wallet files. For example:


      The directory must be identical on every node where you run the script.


    /opt/scripts/utils/ atp_database_ocid atp_wallet_password path_to_extract_wallet_files


    /opt/scripts/utils/ ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v password /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp

    The download script creates a subdirectory in the path you provide using the ATP database OCID value. For example:


    Seven files are extracted to the subdirectory. The following is an example of the script response:

    <Aug 22, 2020 10:39:50 PM GMT> <INFO> <oci_utils> <(host:servicename-wls-0.subnet_dns_domain_name) - <WLSC-VM-INFO-001> ATP Wallet downloaded>
    Archive:  /tmp/
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/cwallet.sso
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/tnsnames.ora
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/truststore.jks
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/sqlnet.ora
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/ewallet.p12
      inflating: /u01/data/domains/servicename_domain/config/atp/ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx.a1b2c3d4e56z7y8x9w10v/keystore.jks
  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 on each node where you have to run the download script. Depending on the data source target, run the download script on every node in the cluster or on individual servers.