18 Migration

You can migrate an Excel workbook created or modified with a previous version of the add-in to use the current version of the add-in.

Migrate 2.x Workbooks

Workbooks created or modified with version 2.x of the add-in migrate seamlessly to the latest version of the add-in. No special steps are required, other than the usual upgrade recommendations (see Best Practices for an Upgrade).

In general, your workbook should continue to function after the upgrade as before. If you want to take advantage of new add-in features, you may need to make some changes to the workbook configuration. However, once you configure your workbook to use the latest features, it may no longer be compatible with the older version of the add-in. So before distributing your updated workbook, make sure your target audience has access to the corresponding add-in version.

Migrate 1.x Workbooks


1.x workbooks are deprecated. The add-in's latest version continues to support the migration of 1.x workbooks to the 2.x format. Future versions will no longer let you migrate 1.x workbooks.

You can migrate a workbook created or modified with version 1.x of the add-in to use the current version. However, once you migrate, you can no longer use the workbook with version 1.x of the add-in.

During migration of a 1.x workbook, if you fail to log in to the REST service, migration fails. Close the workbook without saving changes and try again later.

Before you install the current release of the add-in:
  • Upload any pending changes from the Excel workbooks that use version 1.x of the add-in
  • Click Clear for all layouts in the Excel workbook before you migrate
  • Before you migrate an Excel workbook, make sure you are prepared to log in to the server configured in the Excel workbook
  • If you need to change the service host (the server name that the REST service uses), be sure to do so with version 1.x of the add-in. You cannot change the service host during migration using version 2.x.

After you install version 2.x of the add-in, clear all layouts before using them with the latest version.