Add NetSuite Reference Fields for a Table Layout

When you create a Table layout for a NetSuite business object, some fields may be missing due to limitations in the service metadata. Here are the steps to add a "Company" field for a "contact" business object.

Before you begin, create a Table layout for the contact business object. You'll be prompted to provide the URL to a service metadata document as well as an OAuth2 configuration file. See About NetSuite Services.

To add a NetSuite reference field:

  1. Open the Business Object Editor for the "contact" business object, then click the Fields tab.
  2. Click Add Field (Add Field icon), then provide details for the Company field:
    • ID: company
    • Type: Object
    • Subfields: Add two subfields of type string with ID values of "company/refName" and "company/id".


      Keep in mind that IDs are case sensitive and must match the NetSuite JSON member names exactly.
    • Provide Title and Help Text values as desired.

  3. Return to the table layout.
  4. From the Layout Designer, click the Columns tab, then click Manage Columns (Manage Columns icon).
  5. From the Table Column Manager, add the subfields to the layout as needed. For example, you might find it useful to add the "company/refName" to your contact layout.


There is no support for including additional fields from the referred record in the referring table. So, using the example above, you cannot include additional company (customer, partner, vendor, etc.) fields in the contact table.

For more information about the contact record, see contact in NetSuite REST API Browser: Record API v1. See also Format of Selects and References in the NetSuite Applications Suite documentation.