Manage Metadata Path Information

When you provide a service metadata document, Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel captures the path to the service metadata document relative to the service host and base path of the catalog. You can view this path and other path settings from the Business Object Editor.

This relative path is displayed in the Metadata Path field on the General page of the Business Object Editor. The add-in uses this path when you refresh the business object catalog. See Refresh a Business Object Catalog.

The add-in also captures path information such as REST API methods and parameters and displays these details in a couple of editors: the Path Editor and the Operation Editor. Open the Path Editor by clicking the Edit button next to the Metadata Path field.

The Path Editor lists all the available methods. To view settings for a method, including headers and parameters, select a method from the list and click the Edit Operation icon (Edit Operation) to open the Operation Editor.

The values seen in this image are correct for an Oracle ADF REST Resource service. Other service frameworks may require other values. For example, Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) might have a metadata path of "/open-api-catalog/employees" and a content type of "application/json". Refer to Oracle REST Data Services for more details.


The metadata path should include a GET method that specifies the correct request content type that the service expects for a metadata request. If you need to modify these settings, be sure to provide values that will result in the service returning a proper OpenAPI service metadata document.

Consult the REST API owner for the required values.