Run the Installer from the Command Line

Since both installers are standard Windows Installer Packages (MSI), you can run msiexec on the command line to install Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel.

msiexec includes a number of options that let you control or customize your installation. See Standard Installer Command-Line Options on the Microsoft web site.


The following example shows a silent installation with logging enabled:

msiexec /package vbafe-installer-all-users.msi /quiet /log vbafe-install-log.txt

The following example shows a silent uninstall:

msiexec /uninstall vbafe-installer-all-users.msi /quiet

Unsupported Options

Not all msiexec options are relevant or supported for Add-in installation. Unsupported options include /j and /a.

Enable Designer Tools

The installers define a public property, “DESIGNER”, that can be used to enable or disable designer tools during command-line installation. To disable designer tools from the command-line, set DESIGNER=0. Refer to the msiexec documentation for details on how to set public properties during installation.

When performing an upgrade or repair, the installer uses the previously set value if this property is omitted.