Add an Oracle Cloud Application Instance to an Environment

To deploy an extension to an Oracle Cloud Applications instance, you must create a VB Studio environment and add the instance to it. You can add only one Oracle Cloud Applications instance to each environment.

Each Oracle Cloud Applications DEV and TEST instance has its own identity domain. This means you'll need the target instance's URL—as well as a user's credentials that can access the instance—to set up the environment. These credentials must be those of a local user, not a federated identity, and must not require multi-factor authentication.

Here's what your Environments page might look like after you've added three new environments, one for another DEV instance and two for some TEST instances:
Description of vbs_environments.png follows
Description of the illustration vbs_environments.png

To create a new VB Studio environment:

  1. In the VB Studio navigation menu, click Environments.
  2. Click + Create Environment. In Environment Name and Description, enter a unique name and description, then click Create.
  3. In the Service Instances tab, click + Add Instance.
  4. In the Add Service Instances dialog box, select the Oracle Cloud Applications option button.
  5. Under Authentication Method, select the Application Credentials option.
  6. In Base URL, enter the Oracle Cloud Application's base URL.
  7. In Instance Name, if required, update the instance's display name. The name will be displayed in the Service Instances tab.
  8. In Username and Password, enter the credentials of a user who can access the Oracle Cloud Applications instance.

    These credentials must be those of a local user, not a federated identity, and must not require multi-factor authentication.

  9. Click Add.

If the newly added instance stays in the Unknown status for some time, it usually indicates that the IDCS Application provisioning may have failed. VB Studio added the Oracle Cloud Applications instance, but can't access it. In this case, click Actions Three horizontal dots and select Remove to remove the Oracle Cloud Applications instance from the environment, and then click Add to add it again.