Configure a Job to Import Configuration

Configure a job to import the configuration set to the target Oracle Cloud Applications instance.

When a build of this job runs, it requires the unique configuration set ID generated by the export configuration job. If you're not planning to run this job in a pipeline with the export configuration job, you'll need to provide the configuration set ID manually.
  1. In the left navigator, click Builds Builds.
  2. In the Jobs tab, click the export configuration job.
  3. Click Configure.
  4. Click the Steps tab and note the Configuration Set ID field's parameter name.
  5. Click Cancel.
  6. Return to the Jobs tab and click + Create Job.
  7. In the New Job dialog box, in Name, enter a unique name.
  8. In Description, enter the job's description.
  9. In Template, select the System Default OL7 for Visual Builder template.
  10. Click Create.
  11. (Optional) Click Configure Builds.
  12. If you plan to run this job manually and not in a pipeline with the export configuration job, add a build parameter to accept the configuration set ID at runtime. Ignore this step if you plan to run the job in a pipeline with the export configuration job.
    1. Click the Parameters tab.
    2. From Add Parameter, select String Parameter.
    3. In Name, enter the Configuration Set ID parameter name you noted in Step 4.
      If you didn’t change the default parameter name, enter CONFIGURATION_SET_ID.
    4. (Optional) In Description, enter the parameter’s description. For example, you could add this: Enter the configuration ID copied from the CSM Export job’s build log.
  13. Click the Steps tab.
  14. From Add Step, select Configuration Set Migration, and then select Import Data.
  15. In Target Instance, select the environment that points to the Oracle Cloud Application's target instance.
  16. In Configuration Set ID, enter the Configuration Set ID parameter name you copied in Step 4 in the $<PARAMETER_NAME> or ${<PARAMETER_NAME>} format. By default, it's set to ${CONFIGURATION_SET_ID}.
    When a build of this job runs, the job will get the unique configuration set ID generated by the export configuration job. If no ID is found, the build will fail.
  17. In Username and Password, enter the credentials of an IDCS user who is also an Oracle Cloud Applications user.
  18. (Optional) To skip active sandboxes check, select the Ignore unpublished sandboxes with Application Composer check box.
  19. Click Save.
When you import configurations, the target Oracle Cloud Applications instance creates an internal sandbox to test the migrated configurations. The build job gets the sandbox ID from the target Oracle Cloud Applications instance and displays it in the build's log.

Here's an example:

[2020-07-01 09:36:13] Build scheduled. Build started by pipeline CSM [Upstream Job: CSM-Release1.0.1 Build: #1]
[2020-07-01 09:36:13] Build task id: d2c1b321-cba8-45e5-2233-2dd3a25678a1
[2020-07-01 09:36:32] Configuration Set ID = 1239873457659876
[2020-07-01 09:36:49] Status: Import started
[2020-07-01 09:42:32] IMPORT_IN_PROGRESS...
[2020-07-01 09:42:39] CSM Sandbox Id: abc01def2fe345fedcba12345ab01234
[2020-07-01 10:01:46] IMPORT_SUCCESS...
[2020-07-01 10:07:44] === End CSM Import Execution ===
Executor log size 7.6 KB (7,616)
[2020-07-01 10:07:46]
[2020-07-01 10:07:46] Build completed.
[2020-07-01 10:07:46] Status: DONE Result: SUCCESSFUL Duration: 31 min

After a successful build, to view details of the imported migration set, open the target Oracle Cloud Applications instance's Migration page and click the Incoming tab.

Here's an example:

To test the imported configurations on the newly created sandbox, click Preview.