Create an Action Chain in the Flow Diagram

To create an action chain for a page in the Flow Diagram, you drag and drop an action from the Components palette onto a page. You can add built-in actions (such as Navigate, If, and Switch) as well as custom actions to create a page-level action chain.


If you want to use custom actions in a Flow Diagram, the custom action's showInDiagram property must be enabled to surface the action in the Flow Diagram's Actions palette. See Define the Custom Action's Properties.

To create an action chain for a page in the Flow Diagram:

  1. Select an application's flow to open it the Flow Diagram view (Flow Diagram view).
  2. Drag and drop an action (built-in or custom) under Actions in the Components palette and drop it onto a page in the diagram.
  3. When prompted to select an event listener, select Bind an event listener later. If you want to bind an action chain to an existing event listener, you'll need to first surface it in the Flow Diagram. See Bind an Action Chain in the Flow Diagram to an Existing Event Listener.

    A new action chain is created with your action as the root. Use the action's Properties pane to suitably configure your action's properties. The properties that display are typical for built-in actions. For example, here's what you'll see for a Switch action:
    Description of diagramview-flow-action-configureproperties-appui.png follows
    Description of the illustration diagramview-flow-action-configureproperties-appui.png

  4. If your action involves additional steps, drag and drop additional actions as needed.

    Say you want to call a custom Say Hello action in the Switch action to display an employee-specific message, you would drag the Say Hello action onto the switch action to add multiple cases:
    Description of diagramview-flow-dragndropaction-substeps-appui.png follows
    Description of the illustration diagramview-flow-dragndropaction-substeps-appui.png

    The cases you add for the Switch action show as labels, as do outcomes of decision nodes for an If action. The first action you drop onto an If action is considered the true outcome and the second is considered the false outcome. When the If action has both true and false outcomes or a Switch action has more than one outcome, a placeholder Add Action node appears (as shown in the image above), so you can specify the action after the branches join (Navigate To Page as shown here):
    Description of diagramview-flow-action-addmore-appui.png follows
    Description of the illustration diagramview-flow-action-addmore-appui.png

  5. To add more actions to the action chain, drag and drop an action onto an existing action in the diagram.

    You can drag an action over any other action node anywhere in the action chain, as long as the node is highlighted in green to indicate that more actions are allowed. (You likely won't extend a chain with a Navigate action as the action navigates you away from the page and subsequent actions won't take effect.)

    If you want to delete an action, click Menu Menu icon in the action's properties and click Delete.
    Description of diagramview-flow-deleteaction-appui.png follows
    Description of the illustration diagramview-flow-deleteaction-appui.png