Bind an Action Chain in the Flow Diagram to an Existing Event Listener

To associate a new action chain in the Flow Diagram with an existing event listener, you'll need to surface the event listener in the Flow Diagram. Event listeners call action chains in response to component or lifecycle events.

  1. Enable the event listener you want to use with an action chain to surface in the Flow Diagram.
    1. Select the page that contains your event listener, then click the Event Listeners tab.
    2. Select an existing event listener, or create a new one. See Create Event Listeners for Events.
    3. In the event listener's Properties pane, select On under Show in Flow Diagram. This option shows only for page-level event listeners.
  2. Bind an action chain in the Flow Diagram to the event listener.
    1. Select the flow containing the page-level event listener and open it the Flow Diagram view (Flow Diagram view).
    2. Drag and drop an action from the Components palette onto the page containing the event listener.
    3. When prompted, select the event listener:

      The new action chain that's created will be added to the event listener. The link label also shows the listener's name, as shown here:
      Description of diagramview-bindeventlistener-result-appui.png follows
      Description of the illustration diagramview-bindeventlistener-result-appui.png