Connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs

You can connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs using either identity propagation or fixed credentials.

Connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs With User Propagation for Authenticated Flows

To connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs using user propagation, the identity provider used by Oracle Cloud Applications and the IDCS used by VB Studio must be federated.

Oracle Cloud Applications use their own identity provider (IdP), whereas VB Studio uses IDCS only as its identity provider. The identity providers used by each service must be federated to establish a trust relationship. The list of users can be maintained in either identity provider, but not in both, but it is recommended that you use the Oracle Cloud Applications IdP, which can use SAML to provide additional integration with other identity providers.

In most cases, your Oracle Cloud Applications instance will already be federated to an IDCS instance, which also applies to the Visual Builder instance. If this isn't the case, an administrator will need to set up federation between the Oracle Cloud Applications and Identity Cloud Service instances by following the steps in this document: Oracle Fusion Applications Release 13.

If the federation has already been done, an administrator needs to go to the Services tab in the Tenant Settings page in the environment's Visual Builder instance, and create an Oracle Cloud Applications backend service. See Add an Oracle Cloud Applications Instance to a Visual Application. The instance URL used for creating the backend service is the same as the Oracle Cloud Applications Base URL.

When creating the service connection, you use the following authentication method:

Authentication method Details
Oracle Cloud Account

The default authentication and connection type for the service connection is determined by the backend service settings from which the service was added from the catalog. For example, if the service was chosen from the Oracle Cloud Applications > Sales and Service catalog, then the settings will be inherited from the backend representing Sales and Service.

Typically, your service administrator will define the backend service settings in your environment's Tenant Settings. These settings can be overridden at the application level (with Application Backend Settings).

You can choose to override these inherited settings by navigating to Services in the Navigator, then clicking Backends. You can:

  • Add or override headers
  • Allow anonymous access to Service Connection infrastructure. You can either enable or disable this.
  • Authentication for logged-in users.
  • Authentication for anonymous users.
  • Connection type: You see an Inherited from Backend label, which means the value defined at the backend is inherited. You'll need to choose a different connection type if you decide to override the configuration that was inherited from the backend.

To connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs with user propagation:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  2. Click Select from Catalog in the Create Service Connection wizard.
  3. Click Oracle Cloud Applications and select an endpoint. Click Create.
  4. Test the service connection.
  5. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to the application's anonymous users, click Override security, then select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.

Connect to Oracle Cloud Applications APIs Not in the Catalog Using Fixed Credentials

To connect to a service in an Oracle Cloud Applications instance that is not associated with your environment's Visual Builder instance, you can create a connection using the credentials of a fixed user registered in the Oracle Cloud Applications instance.

To create the connection, you need to have the credentials of a fixed Oracle Cloud Applications user of the instance, or an administrator will need to create the Oracle Cloud Applications user with the necessary privileges for you. When you use this user to create the connection, all requests to the Oracle Cloud Applications REST APIs will use the fixed user's credentials. The credentials of the logged-in user are not used when communicating with the service.

Oracle Cloud Applications instances are usually associated with your environment's Visual Builder instance in the Tenant Settings. If your instance is already associated with an Oracle Cloud Applications instance and you want to connect to a different instance in your visual application using the Service Catalog, you can open your visual application's Settings editor and override the Tenant Settings to edit the application's Oracle Cloud Applications instance settings. When you override the default instance settings, your application will not be able to access any services provided by the default instance because a visual application can only have one default Oracle Cloud Applications instance to populate the Service Catalog.

If you do not want to change the default Oracle Cloud Applications instance for your application, you can create a service connection by selecting the Define by Endpoint option in the Create Service Connection wizard.

When creating the service connection, you can use the following authentication method for the service connection:

Authentication method Details

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • User name and Password. These can be the valid credentials of any user that has access to the Oracle Cloud Applications REST APIs.

To connect to an Oracle Cloud Applications service that is not in your catalog:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, then click the Backends tab.
  2. Select Oracle Cloud Applications, then click Override Backend.
  3. In the Servers tab, click the server's Edit icon.
  4. In the Edit Server dialog box, provide the Instance URL of the Oracle Cloud Applications instance.
  5. Select Basic as the authentication method, provide the username and password of the fixed user, and click Save.
  6. In the Services pane, click the + sign and select Service Connection.
  7. Click Select from Catalog in the Create Service Connection wizard.

    If you did not change the default Oracle Cloud Applications instance of your application, you can choose Define by Endpoint and provide the URL of the endpoint.

  8. Click a service under Oracle Cloud Applications, then select an endpoint. Click Create.
  9. Confirm the connection is working.
  10. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to anonymous users of the app, select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.