Connect to Oracle Integration APIs

You can connect to Oracle Integration APIs using identity propagation or fixed credentials.

Connect to Oracle Integration APIs Using Identity Propagation

If your environment's Visual Builder instance was provisioned as a part of Oracle Integration, using the Oracle Cloud Account authentication method provides identity propagation from VB Studio to Oracle Integration without any additional configuration. For VB Studio, the Integration backend is copied over from your associated Visual Builder instance and is set to use the Visual Builder proxy.

The Oracle Integration URL and the authentication method are derived from the Tenant Settings of your environment's Visual Builder instance. The URL should be similar to https://<Integration Cloud Instance full URL>:443 and the authentication method should be Oracle Cloud Account. These values then appear as the default URL and authentication method in the visual application's Backends editor from the Navigator's Services tab.

When creating the service connection, you use the following authentication method:

Authentication method Details
Oracle Cloud Account

The default authentication for the connection is determined by the authentication set in the visual application's Backends editor and in the Tenant Settings of your environment's Visual Builder instance. You can view the connection details in the Backends editor that you access from the Navigator's Services tab.

You can choose to override these inherited settings:
  • Add or override headers
  • Allow anonymous access to Service Connection infrastructure (you can either enable or disable this)
  • Authentication for logged-in users
  • Authentication for anonymous users
  • Connection type: You see an Inherited from Backend label, which means the value defined at the backend will be inherited. Choose a different connection type if you decide to override the configuration inherited from the backend.

To connect to Oracle Integration APIs using identity propagation:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  2. Select Integration Applications in the Backends tab and review its configuration to confirm that Oracle Cloud Account is selected as the default authentication method.

    You can override the URL coming from Tenant settings of your environment's Visual Builder instance, but keep in mind that the identity propagation will only happen for the co-located Integration instance. No additional CORS configuration is needed when Visual Builder and Oracle Integration are in the same domain.

  3. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  4. Click Select from Catalog in the Create Service Connection wizard.

    Alternatively, you can click Define by endpoint, provide the URL of the sample Integration endpoint, select Oracle Cloud Account as the authentication method, and select your preferred connection type.

  5. Select the sample integration endpoint from the list of catalog endpoints. Click Create.
  6. Test the Service Connection.
  7. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to anonymous users of the app, click Override security, then select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.

Connect to Oracle Integration APIs Using Fixed Credentials

To connect to Oracle Integration APIs using fixed credentials, you can choose to use either Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password as the authentication method.

To access the Oracle Integration APIs using fixed credentials, the environment's Oracle Integration and Visual Builder instances do not need to be located in the same domain or governed by the same IDCS instance. Configuration is the same in both cases.

When you create the service connection in the Create Service Connection wizard, you choose the service by either selecting it in the Service Catalog or by defining its endpoint or specification. If you want to select a service from the catalog, you will first need to open the Backends tab from the Navigator's Services tab and override the tenant-level settings associated with your environment's Visual Builder instance for Integrations and select the authentication method you want to use instead of the default Oracle Cloud Account method.

You do not need to override the Visual Builder instance's tenant-level settings if you are defining the service connection by endpoint or specification in the Create Service Connection wizard. The authentication methods are the same in both cases.

If you want to use OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password as the authentication method, a service administrator needs to perform the following steps in the IDCS instance governing the Oracle Integration instance to get its Client ID, Client Secret, and Scope. These details are not needed when using Basic authentication.

  1. Open Applications in IDCS and locate the Oracle Integration application which frontends the Integration instance.
  2. Open the application and copy the Client ID and Client Secret in the General Information panel of the Configuration tab.
  3. Expand the Resources panel of the Configuration tab and copy the Primary Audience and the scope that corresponds to the REST APIs. These are combined to give the full scope, and might be similar to https://<primary-audience-unique-id>

When creating the service connection, you can use either of the following authentication methods:

Authentication method Details

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • User name and Password. These can be the valid credentials of any user that has access to the Integration REST endpoint.
OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password

To use this option you need to provide the following details:

  • Client ID and Secret. This is from the IDCS of Oracle Integration
  • User name and Password. These can be the valid credentials of any user that has access to the Integration REST endpoint.
  • Token URL. The URL will be similar to https://<base url of IDCS of Integration Cloud>/oauth2/v1/token
  • Scope. This is from the IDCS of Oracle Integration

If you do not have access to IDCS, you will need to request the connection details from an administrator if you want to use the OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password authentication method.

To connect to Oracle Integration APIs using fixed credentials:

  1. Open Services in the Navigator, click the + sign, and select Service Connection.
  2. Select the source in the Create Service Connection wizard.

    You can choose Select from Catalog if the Integrations service you want to access is in your Service Catalog and you have overridden the environment's tenant-level settings in the application's Backends editor. If it is not in your Service Catalog, choose Define by Specification or Define by Endpoint.

  3. Step through the wizard to define the service connection.
  4. Select one of the supported authentication methods and provide the authentication details.
    If you chose a service from your Service Catalog, you can override the default authentication settings in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab of the service connection.
  5. Test the service connection.
  6. Optional: If you want to make the service connection accessible to anonymous users of the app, select the Allow anonymous access to the Service Connection Infrastructure check box in the Edit Server dialog that you invoke from the Servers tab. Use the Authentication for anonymous users drop-down list to configure an authentication type for anonymous users.