Update the Live Version of an Application

If you want to make changes to the live version of your application, you need to create a new version of the application.

A specific version of a visual application can be deployed live only once. To make changes to the live version, you’ll first need to increment or otherwise change the application's version. This creates a development version that you can work on while the deployed version stays live. When you are ready to make your changes public, you'll need to re-deploy the new version with your updates.

To create a new version of a live application:

  1. Open the visual application you want to update in your workspace. You can either open an existing workspace or create a new one by cloning the visual application's Git repository.
  2. In the visual application's workspace, click the Menu option in the upper right corner and select Settings:
  3. Update the Version field in the Application tab. Consider using a numbering scheme, perhaps 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and so on.
  4. Make updates to this version of your app as required. When you are done, click Publish to push your changes to the Git repo and trigger your application's deployment job.