Create a Rule For Forms

A form rule allows you to override certain properties for a dynamic form, assuming that certain conditions are met at runtime.

To create a form rule:

  1. Open the page you want to configure, and then click Configure Fields and Regions in the Business Rules pane to open the business rules editor..
  2. In the business rules editor, click Create Rule next to Form Rules to open the Create Business Rule dialog box.

    Rather than starting from scratch, you can duplicate an extension rule and use it as the basis for your own extension rule. Duplicating a rule also duplicates any JavaScript files used in the rule to define expressions. To do this, right-click the rule, click Duplicate, then proceed to the next step.


    You cannot duplicate rules defined in extension dependencies (the rules listed under Built-in Rules), which includes the Default rule.
  3. Select Regular in the dialog box.
  4. Enter a label, id, and description for the rule.
    The id is generated automatically based on the label you enter, but you can modify the id if you wish. The description field is not required, but it can be helpful when you later try to understand what a rule is doing, especially when there are many rules.
  5. Click Create

Your new rule is added to the top of the list of extension rules under Form Rules.

To delete a rule, right-click the rule in the list to open the popup menu, and then click Delete.

Rules are evaluated in order, from bottom to top, so all extension rules are evaluated after the built-in rules. As you create more rules, make sure you position each one in the order you want them evaluated, using the grab handles (six dots) beside the rules to drag-and-drop them to new positions. You can find out more about how rules are evaluated in Understand What Will Be Shown at Runtime.

If you decide you don’t want to include a rule in the evaluation order, select the rule, then use the Active toggle switch in the upper right corner to deactivate it. (You can also right-click a rule and deactivate and activate it in the popup menu.) This enables you to still keep the rule so you can re-activate it later. You can tell at a glance if a rule is inactive because a little badge appears next to it, like this:
Description of inactiverule.png follows
Description of the illustration inactiverule.png

Inactive rules are not included in the rule evaluation process.


You can deactivate all the extension rules at once by clicking the three dots next to the Extension Rules heading, then clicking Deactivate All. This can be useful when debugging a page, allowing you to see the page with only the built-in rules applied. Use Activate All to reinstate all the rules at once, or use the Active toggle to selectively activate them as you work through your debugging process.

You cannot deactivate built-in rules, as those have been locked into place by Oracle. In other words, a page's out of the box behavior is determined by the default rule, plus any built-in rules that may exist.