10 Customize Dynamic Tables and Forms

If your Oracle Cloud Application contains extendable dynamic components, you can configure them to customize how they are rendered in pages. You may want to hide a table row, say, or display some extra fields in a dynamic form that the original creator didn't include.

VB Studio provides two different modes for customizing extendable dynamic components: Express and Advanced. If Express mode is available, you can use buttons in the Designer header to toggle between the two modes.

Customize Tables and Forms Using Business Rules

For pages built to take advantage of business rules to control how regions and fields are displayed on a page, you can create and edit the rules in either Advanced mode or in Express mode. The tools in Express mode for editing business rules are designed to help you quickly customize components, without the distraction of the more complex tools in Advanced mode.


Not all pages can be customized using business rules. Business rules are only available if Oracle has built the page to utilize them.

If your page looks something like this, you can use the business rules editor to control the logic that determines what is displayed on the page. Notice the Designer has a Business Rules tab, which gives you direct access to the business rules editor. When the dynamic component is selected on the page, the Properties pane contains a shortcut to the editor, as shown by the red arrow:

To customize pages using business rules, see Control Your Display with Business Rules.

Customize Tables and Forms Using Rule Sets

Customizing a page using rule sets is more complex than business rules, but you get greater control over what is displayed in the page. So if you aren't able to accomplish what you want using business rules, you can try using rule sets. You can edit rule sets in either Advanced mode or Express mode.

If your page looks something like this, you'll need to customize the page using rule sets. Notice that there is no Business Rules tab in the Designer:

To customize rule sets, see Control Your Display with Rule Sets.