Download and Upload Translation Bundles

If you plan to translate your App UI into one or more languages, now is the time to send your translation resources for translation. VB Studio can provide your translation files in either the JSON or the industry standard XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) format.

To translate your App UI, download the translation bundles, translate the strings, update the locale, and then save the files with the appropriate language code. For example, if you translate the <extension_bundle_name>-i18n.json bundle into Brazilian Portuguese, include the appropriate language code (pt-BR) like this extensionBundle-i18n-pt-BR.json before you upload.

When you download, you can choose to download the full set of translatable strings, or just download only the strings you've added or changed since the last time you downloaded.

When you’re ready to upload your new files, add them to a zip file and upload the zip.


The XLIFF files you download from VB Studio use the XLIFF file structure but include message strings in the ICU format. This is because XLIFF messages don’t support the full feature set provided by ICU.
  1. Open the Translations tab (Translations).
  2. Click the Upload or Download Translation Bundles icon (Upload or Download Translation Bundles icon) to open the Upload or Download Translation Bundles dialog box.

    Upload or Download Translation Bundle popup

  3. To download the complete set of translation strings, click the JSON or XLIFF download button under All Strings.
    To download only new or changed strings, use the buttons under New and Changed Strings instead.

    Visual Builder Studio downloads a zip file containing all the translation bundles for your extension, including those with overrides from any read-only bundles.

    Initially, your extension translation bundle will include only the default language JSON file, <bundleName>-i18n.json.

  4. Create a new file for each language you want to support and translate the strings into that language:
    1. Unzip the files to your desktop.
    2. Open each translation file and translate the strings into the desired language.
      Here is a sample of a JSON file showing header details, such as bundle name, path, and locale. It also shows the first key-value pair for the Application Navigation Drawer.
        "@@x-bundleName" : "extensionBundle",
        "@@x-bundlePath" : "extension/sources/translations/self/extensionBundle-i18n",
        "@@locale" : "en",
        "app_title_navigation_drawer" : "Application Navigation Drawer",
        "@app_title_navigation_drawer" : {
          "description" : "Title Application Navigation Drawer",
          "source_text" : "Application Navigation Drawer"
    3. Modify the locale value of the file to include the two-letter language code for the translation language. For example, use fr for your French language file, de for your German file, and so on.
      The locale attribute for the French file should appear like this: "@@locale" : "fr",
    4. Save the file with a file name in this format: <bundleName>-i18n-<language code>.json, such as extensionBundle-i18n-fr.json.
  5. Add all new and updated files to a zip file.
  6. Open the Upload or Download Translation Bundles popup and drag the updated zip file to the Drag and Drop area.