Exploring a Layout

A Layout represents both the data source for one or more dynamic components, as well as the rule sets that control the component's behavior on the page. Let's look at the Layout associated with the AccountContact object:

In this Layout, AccountContact is the data source, and there are four rule sets defined, all of which come from a dependency. (You can tell this from the Digital Sales badge beside each rule set.) If you created your own rule set based on the AccountContact data source, it too would appear on this tab. In other words, if a dynamic component displays data from the AccountContact object, its rule set will appear on this tab. However, a rule set can be listed here and not used, meaning there might not be any components using the rule set at the moment.

All the rule sets from Digital Sales shown in this image are extendable, which means you can customize them in your extension. You know they are extendable simply because they are listed in the Rule Sets tab—if they weren't marked as extendable, they wouldn't appear here. When you extend a rule set, your changes affect every dynamic component that uses that rule set. You can tell which rule sets you've extended because they have a gray vertical bar next to its name, like the rule set Account Contact Update Layout.