Extending a Layout in a Dependency

While you can't edit the artifacts in a dependency directly, you can extend them. When configuring dynamic tables and forms, this usually involves changing one or more rules sets in a Layout.


You can only extend the artifacts that are marked extendable in the dependency. Some rule sets defined in the dependency might not be extendable, in which case they won't appear on the Layout's Rule Sets tab.

When you modify a Layout defined in a dependency, you'll see the impacted files in your extension's Source pane in the Navigator. Files that extend a dependency are appended with -x. In this example, the layout-x.json file extends the layout.json file in the dependency, and so on:

To extend a rule set you start with the Rule Sets tab, but there are other tabs for configuring how the Layout's dynamic forms and tables behave as well. Let's take a quick look at these tabs now:

Description of layouteditor.png follows
Description of the illustration layouteditor.png
Editor Description
Rule Sets

Shows all the extendable rule sets available in the Layout.

Use this editor to decide which fields in the Layout's data source will be exposed in the component (which you do in a layout), and the conditions under which a given layout is displayed (which you do by setting the display logic.) See Create a Rule Set in a Layout and Create a Layout for a Dynamic Table or Form.

Lists all the data object's fields that can be used in the Layout's rule sets.

Use this editor to configure some field properties, and to create virtual fields that can be used in the dynamic components. See Override Field Properties and Create Fields For a Layout.


Lists the field and form templates that can used in the Layout.

Use this editor to create new templates, and to edit the templates you've created. See Use Field and Form Templates

Lists the action chains defined in the Layout that can be used in the dynamic components.

Use this editor to create action chains in the Layout, and to edit the action chains you've created. See Work With JSON Action Chains.
Event Listeners

Lists the event listeners defined in the Layout.

Use this editor to create event listeners that listen to events in the dynamic component, and to edit the event listeners you've created. See Create Event Listeners for Events.

Lists the events defined in the Layout.

Use this editor to create events used to start action chains in the dynamic component, and to edit events that you've created. See Define Events in Your App UI.

Use this tab to create and edit the types used in the Layout. See Create Types.


Use this tab to create and edit the variables and constants used in the Layout. See Create Variables.


Use this tab to edit the JavaScript used in the Layout. See Work With JavaScript.


Use this tab to view and edit the Layout's JSON file. See Work With JSON.

For more about extending and configuring Layouts in a dependency, see Customize Dynamic Tables and Forms .