Create a Rule Set in a Layout

When you add a dynamic form or table to a page, you first select a data source (usually through a Quick Start), then either create a new rule set, or select one that already exists the Layout for the data source.

You can create a rule set in a Layout at any time, even if you don't have a dynamic component ready to use it yet. You might want to do this in preparation for dynamic components that will be added to your extension—or someone else's—later.

To create a rule set in a Layout:

  1. Open the Rule Sets tab in the Layout, then click Add Ruleset.
    The Rule Sets tab might already contain some rule sets, or it might be empty if the Layout was created before any rule sets were created.
  2. Select the type of component that the rule set can be used by, either Dynamic Form or Dynamic Table:
  3. Type the name of the rule set in the Label field and, optionally, add a description.
    The description should be meaningful, so that it's clear when the rule set should be used.
  4. Select Enable Extensions if you want to allow other extensions to use this rule set. Click Create.
    If Enable Extensions is not selected, the rule set won't be able to be used in any extension that adds your extension as a dependency.
  5. Define the rule set:
    1. See Add Display Logic to Determine What's Displayed at Runtime
    2. See Create a Layout for a Dynamic Table or Form