Filter Your Rules

To help you manage your display and find things quickly, VB Studio offers two Filter fields: one at the rules level and one for regions and fields.

If you have hundreds of rules, it can be painful to scroll through laboriously to find the one you're interested in. Instead, use the Filter field to zero in on the rule you want.

Suppose you have a display that looks something like this, only with many more rules:

Description of metadatafilterrule1.png follows
Description of the illustration metadatafilterrule1.png

Simply by typing "budget" in the Filter field, you can see the rules, regions, and fields containing that word, thanks to the Filter field's auto-complete feature:
Description of metadatafilteronwhen.png follows
Description of the illustration metadatafilteronwhen.png

As you can see in the above image, an icon appears next to each search hit to indicate the type of entity containing the word: region, rule (not shown), or field. Select the magnifying glass icon to list all rules where the word occurs. In the image above, when you select the Budget Amount field, the list of rules is filtered to only include those that override a property of the Budget Amount field:

Description of filterexample.png follows
Description of the illustration filterexample.png

This makes it easy to tell at a glance where the Budget Amount field has been overridden, and to what property value.

The buttons beneath the Filter field (Fields, Regions, Rules) let you limit the scope of your search, making your filter operation that much more efficient. For example, when you click Regions, and then enter a term like "when" in the Filter field, the filtered list shows the rules that override a property of the region When & Why Section:

The Filter field in the Regions and Fields section works similarly, but with a slight difference. If you don't have a region expanded in the display, but the filter criteria matches a field within that region, you'll see the region, but you won't see the field until you expand the region. For example, suppose you don't have any regions expanded, like this:
Description of metadatafilterregion1.png follows
Description of the illustration metadatafilterregion1.png

You're looking for fields with the term "cost" so you enter that in the Filter field. The BudgetDetailsSection region is displayed, but the other two disappear. It's not until you expand BudgetDetailsSection that you see the field CostCenter:
Description of metadatafilterregion2.png follows
Description of the illustration metadatafilterregion2.png


When using the region and field Filter field, it doesn't matter which rule is currently selected.