Get Oriented with Git

Within a workspace, the Designer connects you to the project's repository, enabling you to switch branches, push and pull sources, and merge changes—all through Git commands in the Designer.

You can access Git commands from two locations in the Designer:

  • In the Designer's header, via the arrow next to your repository name and working branch (Label 1 in the image).
  • In the Git tab, which you can display by clicking an icon (Label 2 in the image) in the navigator. The Git tab shows you the status of your workspace files (for example, whether they are changed, untracked, or in conflict). It also includes a menu (Label 3 in the image) that lets you access a subset of the header's Git commands. You can also perform operations at the file level in the Git tab.
Description of gitmenuandpanel.png follows
Description of the illustration gitmenuandpanel.png

As you make changes in the Designer, you'll notice the Git tab badged to indicate status. You can use this badge view—without actually accessing the Git tab—to get a quick Git summary of your workspace. You'll see a count of the files that have changed in the workspace as well as a color indicator of the type of changes; green (Git Panel icon badged green) indicates new files, blue (Git Panel icon badged blue) indicates modified files, and red (Git Panel icon badged red) indicates files that conflict with changes made by other team members. When conflicts exist, the Git Panel provides tools to assist as you review and resolve issues.

A series of overlay icons also appear when you create, modify, or delete files. These icons indicate the status of the artifact or file (uncommitted, conflict, or recently added) with regard to the branch that your workspace uses.

Here is a description of the icons that you'll see:

Status Icon Status Description
Status icon untracked The file has never been committed, possibly because it was just created.
Status icon added The file has been added, but it won't become tracked until the next commit.
Up-to-date status icon The file has not been modified since it was last committed.
Status icon modified The file has modifications that have not been committed.
Status icon conflicting The file has conflicts that are not yet resolved. You'll usually see this status icon appear during Pull or Merge operations (or during a Cherry-Pick).
Status icon deleted The file has been deleted, but the change is yet to be committed. You'll see this status icon only in the Git Panel.