Deploy Your Extension Using Grunt

The Grunt vb-deploy task deploys a packaged extension archive to an Oracle Cloud Application.

Before you deploy the extension, you must build the extension archive using the vb-process-local and vb-package tasks. The vb-package generates an archive in the build/processed/* and build/optimized/* directories. The vb-deploy task deploys the generated archive.

To run the vb-deploy task:

  • Enter the task and task options in the command-line interface:
    # Deploy extension archive
    ./node_modules/.bin/grunt vb-deploy
    --url=<Application Cloud URL> --username=<username> --password=<password>


    • --url=<Application Cloud URL> is the URL of the base Oracle Cloud Application.
    • --username=<username> is the username to access the Oracle Cloud Application extension manager.
    • --password=<password> is the password to access the Oracle Cloud Application extension manager.

      A password specified via the --password Grunt option may need to be enclosed in single quotation marks (') if it contains special characters. In general, it's advisable to always use quotation marks for the --password option, especially in VB Studio jobs where the password is provided via a job variable. For example: grunt vb-deploy '--password=Jkl@#&!%^23' ....

After running the task, you can open the Environments page in VB Studio and View Your Deployments.