Open a Rule Set From Oracle Cloud Applications

The simplest way to open a component's rule set is from the Oracle Cloud Application page where the component is located.

To open the rule set of a dynamic table or form component from an Oracle Cloud Application page:

  1. Open the Oracle Cloud Application page containing the component.
  2. Click Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio to open the page in the VB Studio Page Designer.
  3. In the Page Designer, select the dynamic form or table to open its Properties pane.

    You can select the component on the canvas or in the Components tab in the page's Properties pane. The Component's tab lists all the dynamic components on the page.

    A green border is displayed around a dynamic component when your cursor hovers over it on the canvas or in the Components tab:

  4. Open the component's rule set.

    In the Properties pane, you can click Open Rule Set Editor in the Quick Actions pane, or click the name of the rule set:

After opening the component's rule set, the next step will be to start configuring it by creating rules in the rule set's display logic.

Open a Rule Set From Visual Builder Studio

If you opened VB Studio by logging in directly, instead of from an Oracle Cloud Application page, you can open a component's rule set by using the Navigator to locate the page containing the component. You can also use the Navigator to open the Layout where the component's rule set is defined. (The Layout is where all the elements for configuring a dynamic table or form are found. For more about Layouts, see Work With Layouts in Your Extension.)

To open a dynamic table or form's rule set using the Navigator:

  1. In your VB Studio project, open the workspace with the extension you want to configure.

    If you don't have an extension or workspace yet, see Create an Extension.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • If you know the page containing the dynamic table or form you want to configure:
      1. Open the App UIs pane in the Navigator.
      2. Under From Dependencies, expand the extension and App UI, then find the page containing the dynamic component.

        Your extension will always contain the Unified Application as a dependency, but the page containing the dynamic component will be in one of the other dependencies.

      3. Select the page under the dependency's flow node to open it in the Page Designer:

      4. In the Page Designer, select the component you want to configure to open the component's Properties pane.

        If the page contains any dynamic forms or tables, they will be listed in the Components tab in the page's Properties pane. If the component is visible, they will be outlined in green when you hover your cursor over them on the canvas or in the Components tab.


        Not all pages have extendable components, so you'll see a note in the page's Properties pane if there aren't any.
      5. Click Open Rule Set Editor (or the Rule Set name) in the component's Properties pane.

    • If you know the Layout containing the dynamic table or form you want to configure:
      1. Open the Layouts pane in the Navigator.
      2. Under From Dependencies, select the Layout:

        The Layout opens in a new window that contains tabs for each of the editors you'll use to configure the Layout: Rule Sets, Fields, Templates, and so on.

      3. Open the Rule Sets tab (if it's not already open), and then click the name of the dynamic form or table you want to configure:

        The Rule Sets tab lists the dynamic components defined in the Layout, grouped by type. In the image above, the FoDProducts Layout defines only one rule set—for the viewProductLayout dynamic form. You would see more rule sets if there were more dynamic forms or tables defined in the Layout. From the badge next to the rule set's name, we know the name of the dependency where the rule set is defined (Fod v2).

The next step is to start configuring the rule set by creating rules in the rule set's display logic.