
Extending Oracle Cloud Applications with Visual Builder Studio describes how to use a web-based visual development tool to create and configure application extensions to customize Oracle Cloud Applications.



Extending Oracle Cloud Applications with Visual Builder Studio is intended for Oracle Cloud Applications users who want to create, edit and publish their application extensions.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit Oracle Accessibility Learning and Support if you are hearing impaired.

Keyboard Shortcuts

When working in the Designer, you can use these keyboard shortcuts to help you move around quickly:

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:

Find and open a file in an app



Find a given string in a file (or in the Code editor)






Except for common Windows shortcuts such as cut, copy, and paste, VB Studio does not support shortcuts like the ones described here.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Code Editors

To help you work efficiently, VB Studio supports the following keyboard shortcuts when working with code editors in the Designer (JSON, JavaScript, and Code view in the Page Designer).

Tab behavior shortcut

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Change the code editor's default behavior for the Tab key; pressing Tab adds four spaces in the editor by default Control-Shift-M Ctrl+M

Show Command Palette and Save shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Show Command Palette F1 F1
Save Command-S Ctrl+S

Basic Editing shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Cut line if there is no selection; cut selection if there is one Command-X Ctrl+X
Copy line if there is no selection; copy selection if there is one Command-C Ctrl+C
Move line up Option-Up Alt+Up
Move line down Option-Down Alt+Down
Copy line up Shift-Option-Up Shift+Alt+Up
Copy line down Shift-Option-Down Shift+Alt+Down
Delete line Shift-Command-K Ctrl+Shift+K
Insert line below Command-Enter Ctrl+Enter
Insert line above Shift-Command-Enter Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Jump to matching bracket Shift-Command-\ Ctrl+Shift+\
Indent line Command-] Ctrl+]
Outdent line Command-[ Ctrl+[
Go to beginning of line Home or Fn-Left Home
Go to end of line End or Fn-Right End
Go to beginning of file Command-Home Ctrl+Home
Go to end of file Command-End Ctrl+End
Scroll line up Command-Up Ctrl+Up
Scroll line down Command-Down Ctrl+Down
Scroll page up Option-PgUp Alt+PgUp
Scroll page down Option-PgDn Alt+PgDn
Fold (collapse) region Command-Shift-[ Ctrl+Shift+[
Unfold region Command-Shift-] Ctrl+Shift+]
Toggle line comment Command-/ Ctrl+/
Toggle block comment Shift-Option-A Shift+Alt+A
Toggle word wrap Option-Z Alt+Z

Navigation shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Go to line ... Command-G Ctrl+G
Go to symbol ... Shift-Command-O Ctrl+Shift+O
Go to next error or warning F8 F8
Go to previous error or warning Shift+F8 Shift+F8
Go back Control-- Alt+Left
Go forward Control-Shift-- Alt+Right

Search and Replace shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Find Command-F Ctrl+F
Replace Option-Command-F Ctrl+H
Find next Command-G F3
Find previous Shift-Command-G Shift+F3
Select all occurrences of Find match Option-Enter Alt+Enter
Add selection to find matches Command-D Ctrl+D

Multi-cursor and Selection shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Insert cursor Option-Click Alt+Click
Insert cursor above Option-Command-Up Ctrl+Alt+Up
Insert cursor below Option-Command-Down Ctrl+Alt+Down
Undo last cursor operation Command-U Ctrl+U
Insert cursor at end of each line selected Shift-Option-I Shift+Alt+I
Select current line Command-L Ctrl+L
Select all occurrences of current selection Shift-Command-L Ctrl+Shift+L
Select all occurrences of current word Command-F2 Ctrl+F2
Expand selection Control-Shift-Command-Right Shift+Alt+Right
Shrink selection Control-Shift-Command-Left Shift+Alt+Left
Column (box) selection Shift-Option- (drag mouse) Shift+Alt + (drag mouse)

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+(arrow key)

Column (box) selection page up Shift-Option-Command-PgUp Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgUp
Column (box) selection page down Shift-Option-Command-PgDn Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgDn

Rich Languages Editing shortcuts

To do this: Use this on Mac: Use this on Windows:
Trigger suggestion Command-Space Ctrl+Space
Format document Shift-Option-F Shift+Alt+F
Go to definition F12 F12
Peek definition Option-F12 Alt+F12
Show references Shift+F12 Shift+F12
Rename symbol F2 F2

Related Resources

For more information, see these Oracle resources:


The following text conventions are used in this document.

Convention Meaning


Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Information About Cookies

When a user visits a deployed App UI, a combination of cookies are used for storing authentication and session information.

The following cookies are used to store information about sessions, visits, and authentication. The information we observe about visitor behavior is stored on our servers, not in the cookie placed on the browser. The cookies we use are usually an anonymous unique identifier, which provides a means of determining whether a visitor has visited the App UI before but does not provide any means of identifying the visitor. None of the cookies contain personally identifiable information, although, in accordance with standard HTTP protocol, the visitor’s IP address is passed to our servers as part of the HTTP request. All cookies are secured with encryption and sent over HTTPS. The following table describes the cookies that are saved to the browser of visitors visiting a deployed App UI:

Name Description
JSESSIONID The JSESSIONID cookie is a transient cookie used for session management. It only has a session identifier and does not contain any personal details.

The OAMAuthnCookie cookie is generated by Oracle Access Manager for all clients using an Oracle Cloud service. A valid OAMAuthnCookie is required for a session.

  • Authenticated User Identity (User DN)
  • Authentication Level
  • IP Address
  • SessionID
  • Session Validity (Start Time, Refresh Time)
  • Session InActivity Timeouts (Global Inactivity, Max Inactivity)
  • Validation Hash

Removing the cookie will cause the user to be logged out. The user will need to re-authenticate the next time they request a protected resource.