Impact of P2T on Extensions

When it comes time to test your extensions, or new versions of your extensions, you might want to use the Oracle Production-to-Test (P2T) refresh process to copy data from your Production environment (the source environment) to your Test environment (the target environment). This allows you to thoroughly test your extensions without disrupting the Production environment. (You can also use the process to move data from one Test environment to another Test environment (T2T)).

The P2T process copies the contents of the database in the Production environment to the database in the Test environment. Here's what happens during the process:
  • All extensions on your Test environment are replaced by the extensions from your Production environment. If the Production environment has older versions of extensions, they are copied over and effectively replace the versions on the Test environment, even if the versions on your Test environment are newer.
  • Similarly, all metadata related to your extensions stored in the Test environment's database is overwritten by the metadata info from the Production instance's database.
The P2T/T2T process copies only source environment's database content , which means that none of these are affected:
  • The source for your extension, which lives in your project's Git repo
  • Your CI/CD build jobs and pipelines
  • The passwords to access the Test environment.

During the P2T process, you won't be able to access VB Studio on your Test instance for up to two days. To continue your work during this time, you can create another VB Studio instance using the OCI console, and export your projects to it from your Test instance before the P2T process begins. However, you'll have to manually set things up for your projects on the new VB Studio instance, including users and groups, environments, build executors, and build templates. You'll also need to update your build jobs to use the new environment and templates. Be sure to use the same user names in the new instance that you used in your old instance, to keep things manageable.