Configure the Jenkins Job to Set an Authentication Token and Accept Build Parameters

To trigger the Jenkins job when it receives a notification from VB Studio, configure it to accept the Git repository’s branch name as a parameter and set an authentication token.

  1. Log on to Jenkins.
  2. Create or open the job.
  3. On the left side of the page, click Configure.
  4. Click the Job Notifications tab.
  5. Select the This project is parameterized check box.
  6. From Add Parameter, select String Parameter.
  7. In Name, enter GIT_REPO_BRANCH.
  8. In Default Value, enter the review branch name. Example: patchset_1
  9. Click the Build Triggers tab.
  10. Select the Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts) check box.
  11. Enter a unique string as a token. You can enter any string value. Example: my_auth_token
    Make sure that the authentication token isn't used in any other job.
  12. Continue to configure the job.
  13. When you're finished, click Save.