Configure a Webhook in VB Studio to Trigger a Jenkins Job on a Merge Request Update

After installing the required plugins and configuring the Jenkins job, create the webhook.

  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click Webhooks.
  3. Click + Create Webhook.
  4. From Type, select Jenkins - Merge Requests.
  5. In Name, enter a unique name.
  6. In Build Server URL, enter the Jenkins base URL.

    If the Jenkins job URL is http://my_jenkins/path/job/my_job, then enter http://my_jenkins/path/.

  7. Select the Ignore SSL Errors check box to ignore SSL errors if Jenkins uses a self-signed certificate (or an invalid one) and you provided an HTTPS URL in Build Server URL.
  8. In Job Name, enter the case-sensitive name of the job on the target build server.
  9. In Repository, select the merge request's Git repository.
  10. From Build Server Security, select the security schema of Jenkins and enter the required details.
    Security Option Fill in these fields
    Anonymous Access Under Authentication, in Remote Build Token, enter the Jenkins authentication token.
    API Token Access

    Under Authentication, enter the authenticated user's details:

    • In User ID, enter the username of the Jenkins user.

    • In API Token, enter the API token of the Jenkins user.

    • In Remote Build Token, enter the Jenkins authentication token.

    Build Token Root Plugin Under Authentication, in Remote Build Token, enter the Jenkins authentication token.
    No Security NA
  11. Click Done.