Configure Project Templates

You can define an existing project as a template for new projects that users can use as a starting point. When creating a project, if a user selects a project template, the project template’s data is copied to the new project, which the user can modify.

Project template data may include its Git repositories, build job configurations, deployment configurations, links, wikis, and announcements. For example, if a project template hosts an application in its Git repositories; information on how to use the application in its wiki pages; build configuration in its jobs; and Oracle Cloud deployment target details in its deployment configurations, then the data of the project template is copied to the new project. Members of the new project can use the application, run builds of pre-configured jobs, and deploy build artifacts to Oracle Cloud using pre-configured deployment configurations without making any changes to the code or any of its configurations.

When you define a project template, you define its visibility (who can use the project template), configure rules (what data can be copied from the project template), and use variables (customize actions based on user input when the data is copied).

After a project is created using a template, any updates made to the template project aren’t reflected in the created project.