Set Up Issue Products and Custom Fields

Before creating and assigning issues to project members, you can define products, components, default owners of components, and releases for your project.

You can:
  • Create multiple product categories, components, and sub-components
  • Customize the releases
  • Add custom fields for your project

You must be a project owner to add and manage issue products, components, and custom fields.

Create and Configure Issue Products

When you define a product, you also define its releases and components. A product is a category that represents an entity. A component is a product subsection. A release is a release name or product number.

You can create multiple products for a project and select them from the Products drop-down list on the create or edit issue page. Each product must have at least one component and one release. For example, you can create a Report product with 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and PS1 as its releases, and Sales, Marketing, and Demographics as its components.

You can define products, components, and releases from the Administration: Issue Tracking page's Products tab.

Open the Issue Tracking page's Products tab:
  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click Issue Tracking.
  3. Click the Products tab.

Here's a list of the product management tasks you can do from the Product's tab:

Action How To

Create a product

  1. Click + New Product.

  2. On the Create Product page, in Name, specify a unique product name.

  3. To create a release, click + New Release, and enter a release name.

    To make a release the product's default release, click Mark as Default the check mark icon.

  4. To create a component, click + New Component, enter a component name, and select its default owner (optional).

    To make a component the product's default component, click Mark as Default the check mark icon.

  5. To create a Found In tag, click + New Found In Tag, and enter a tag name.

  6. Click Done.

To reorder a release or component, mouse over the name and drag-and-drop it to move it up or down in the list.

View or edit a product

From the products list, select the product. On the right side of the page, view or edit its details.

Delete a product

You can’t delete a product if any issues or merge requests refer to it. First, remove all issues and merge requests that refer to the product, and then remove the product.

  1. In the products list, click Delete the delete icon.

  2. In the Delete Product dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

Create and Configure Custom Fields in an Issue

If an issue's default fields don’t meet your needs, you can create custom fields for your project's issues. You can create and manage the fields from the Issue Tracking page's Custom Fields tab. When you create or update an issue, you can see the custom fields in the New or Edit Issue page's Details section.

  1. In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration.
  2. Click Issue Tracking.
  3. Click the Custom Fields tab.

You can create these kinds of custom fields:

  • Single line input text
  • Single selection
  • Multi selection
  • Long text input
  • Time and Date
  • Check box

Here's how to manage custom fields:

Action How To

Create a custom field

  1. Click + New Custom Field.

  2. On the Create Custom Field page, in Name, specify a unique name.

  3. In Label, enter the field's display label.

  4. If you don’t want the custom field to appear as a parameter when new issues are created, deselect the available for New Issues check box.

  5. From the Type drop-down list, select the field type.

    If you select Single Selection or Multi Selection, click + New Value to specify the field’s options.

  6. Click Done.

View or edit a custom field

From the custom fields list, select the field. View or edit its details, located on the right side of the page.

You can’t change a custom field's Name or Type. To edit the value of Name or Type, remove and then recreate the custom field.

Hide a custom field

From the custom fields list, select the field. Select the Obsolete (hidden) check box, located on the right side of the page.

Delete a custom field

  1. In the custom fields list, click Delete the delete icon located to the right of the field name.

  2. In the Delete Custom Field dialog box, click Yes to confirm.

All existing issues will be automatically updated to remove the custom field.