Without an Environment

Projects almost always require an environment against which you develop and deploy your visual application—but you can create a project without an environment simply to explore VB Studio's visual development capabilities within the Designer.


When your project doesn't have an environment, you won't be able to create business objects or deploy (share and publish) your app—although you can click Publish in the header to merge your changes to the default branch (main) in the project's Git repository. To explore VB Studio without any restrictions, you need to add a Visual Builder instance to your VB Studio instance's environment.

To create a project without an environment:

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create.
  2. In the New Project wizard's Project Details dialog, in Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy:
    1. Select Private to restrict access to project members only.

      Select the Discoverable checkbox to allow organization members that aren't org admins or project members to see basic information, such as name and owner contact information, about your private project. Private projects that aren't discoverable won't be exposed to non-members.

    2. Select Shared to make the project code, wiki docs, tasks, and builds available to anyone inside your organization.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Template dialog, select the Visual Application project template, and click Next:
  6. In the Project Properties dialog, fill out or select the following:
    1. In Git Repository Name, enter the name of the repository where your application will be stored or accept the default name.
    2. In Development VB Instance, select No Environment to create a Visual Application workspace without a specific environment.


      If this option isn't available to you, it means that this functionality has not been enabled in your environment. File a service request with Oracle Cloud Support.
    3. In Visual Application Template, accept the Default VBCS Application template or click Change Template and select another template from the list displayed.

      The default application template does not create any artifacts, apps, or other resources. Other templates might create resources or apps that already include artifacts.

    4. In Workspace Name. enter a name for your workspace or accept the default name.
    5. In Working Branch Name, enter a name for your working branch or accept the default name.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Project Team members dialog:
    1. Click Add Members and select users or groups to add to the project, from the list displayed, if you know they may work in this project.
    2. Select the membership (Project Owner, Developer Full Access, Developer Limited Access, or Contributor) that the members you're adding will have in the project.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat substeps a, b, and c for different users and groups with various membership types, if needed.
  9. Click Finish.