From a Project Template

Using a project template, you can quickly create a project with predefined and populated artifacts, such as Git repositories and build jobs. When you create a project from a project template, the defined artifacts of the project template are copied to the new project. If you don’t want to use a copied artifact, you can delete it. Note that after you create a project from a template, updates made to the project template won’t be reflected in the project you created.

These types of project templates are available:

Project Template Description

Public templates

The VB Studio team creates and manages the public templates. They are available to all users across all identity domains and are marked by a Public Template label.

Shared templates

Your organization users create and manage shared templates. They are listed by name and are available to all users of the organization.

Private templates

Not listed by name to general users, but accessible through their private keys. To create a project from a private project template, you must have its private key.

Private templates are visible by name only to the members of the project template.

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create.
  2. In the New Project wizard's Project Details dialog:
    1. In Name and Description, enter a unique project name and a project description.
    2. In Security, select the project's privacy setting:
      • Select Private to restrict access to project members only.

        Select the Discoverable checkbox to allow organization members that aren't org admins or project members to see basic information, such as name and owner contact information, about your private project. Private projects that aren't discoverable won't be exposed to non-members.

      • Select Shared to make the project code, wiki docs, tasks, and builds available to anyone inside your organization.
    3. In Preferred Language, specify the language for email notifications that project users would receive.

      To change the language of the user interface, update the language in your account preferences.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Template dialog, select the project template and then click Next:
    • To create a project for a visual application, select the Visual Application template and follow the instructions in the next step.
    • To create a project for an extension, select the Application Extension template and follow the instructions in the next step.


      Instead of creating a project using the template, you should click the Open in Visual Builder Studio icon (or link) in the Oracle Cloud Application you are extending and follow the steps in the New App Extension wizard.

      See Create a Simple Extension.

    • To create a project from a private template, select Private Template, and follow the instructions in the next step.
  5. In the Project Properties dialog:
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Team dialog:
    1. Click Add Members and select users or groups to add to the project, from the list displayed, if you know they may work in this project.
    2. Select the membership (Project Owner, Developer Full Access, Developer Limited Access, or Contributor) that the members you're adding will have in the project:
      See What Are Project Memberships? for more information about each membership.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat substeps a, b, and c for different users and groups with various membership types, if needed.
  8. Click Finish.

In the new project, these artifacts are copied from the project template:

Artifacts Description

Git repositories

The project template's defined Git repositories are copied to the new project. You can use the copied Git repositories and modify their files, or delete them.

In the left navigator, click Git Git to view the copied Git repositories.

Build jobs and pipelines

All the project template's build jobs and pipelines are copied to the new project. You can change these jobs, create their copies, or delete them.

In the left navigator, click Builds Builds to view the copied jobs and pipelines.

Wiki pages

All the project template's wiki pages are copied to the new project. You can change the wiki pages or delete them.

In the left navigator, click Wiki Wiki to see the copied wiki pages.


All the project template's active project announcements are copied to the new project. You can’t edit the copied announcements since they are read-only, but you can activate or deactivate them.

In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administration, and then click Announcements to activate or deactivate them.


All the project template's link rules are copied to the new project. Link rules enable you to convert plain text to links when the text is entered in the commit and merge request comments.

In the left navigator, click Project Administration Project Administrationand then click Links to see the copied link rules.