How Do I Use YAML to Create or Configure a Job?

You can use YAML for creating a new job or configuring an existing one:

  1. Clone the Git repository with the YAML file to your computer or to the location where you want to host it.
  2. Create a file with the job's YAML configuration.
  3. Save the file with the .yml extension in the .ci-build directory at the root of the cloned Git repository: .ci-build/my_yaml_job.yml
  4. Validate the local YAML file. See How Do I Validate a Job or Pipeline Configuration?.
    Resolve any errors.
  5. Commit and push the file to the project's Git repository.
  6. Open the Project Home Project Home page and, in the Recent Activities Feed, verify that the YAML file' and job were created.
    If there are any validation issues with the YAML file, a notification with a View Error link is displayed. Click the View Error link to review the error messages. Then update the YAML file and commit it again.
  7. Click the job's name to open it in the Builds page.
You can create the job configuration file using the code editor on the Git page too:

If you create the YAML file this way, you won't be able to validate it without committing it first. Commit the file and check the Recent Activities Feed on the Project Home page for any errors.

What Is the Format for a YAML Job Configuration?

In a YAML job configuration, any field with a value of "" accepts a string value that is empty by default. "" is not a valid value for some fields, such as name, vm-template, and url. If you want a field to use its default value, remove the field from the YAML file.

When you configure a job, fields such as name, description, vm-template, and auto must precede groups like git, params, and steps.

Here's a job's YAML configuration format with the default values:

      name: ""                # required
      description: ""
      choices: []             # array of string value choices; at least one required
  - merge-request:
      - GIT_REPO_BRANCH=""    # required
      - GIT_REPO_URL=""       # required
      - MERGE_REQ_ID=""
  - password:
      name: ""                # required
                              # one of password or private-key is required
                              # recommended to use named password/private key reference like "#{NAME}"
      password: ""            # required, or
      private-key: ""         # required
      required: false         # if not present required is false. If required is set to true then when the user will do a build now operation, he will have to have a value 
                              # for that field. The user will not be able to submit the build with an empty value.
      description: ""
  - string:
      name: ""                # required
      value: ""               # required
      required: false         # if not present required is false. If required is set to true then when the user will do a build now operation, he will have to have a value 
                              # for that field. The user will not be able to submit the build with an empty value.
      description: ""
  - add-param:                # Add a parameter after git before rest of build
      parameter-name: ""      # required - name of added parameter
      file-path: ""           # required - file that contains value of parameter
      sensitive: false        # true if sensitive, e.g., password or private key
  - add-params:               # Add one or more parameters as above (cannot be used to add password parameters)
      file-path: ""           # required - file that contains one or more lines of the format
                              #   NAME=value
  - copy-artifacts:
      from-job: ""
      build-number: 1                 # requires which-build: SPECIFIC_BUILD
      artifacts-to-copy: ""
      target-dir: ""
      last-successful-fallback: false
                                      # other choices require which-build: PERMALINK
      param-name: "BUILD_SELECTOR"    # requires which-build: PARAMETER
      flatten-dirs: false
      optional: false
  - npm-registry-setup:
      use-current-project-registry: true    # true to use current project's Built-in NPM registry
                                            # otherwise, specify one of registry-url or connection
      connection: ""                  # required if use-current-project-registry is false and registry-url is empty
      username: ""                    # required if registry at registry-url requires authentication
      password: ""                    # required if username is specified
      registry-url: ""                # required if use-current-project-registry is false and connection is empty
      custom-npmrc: ""                # optional path to a custom .npmrc from the workspace
  - oracle-maven:
      connection: ""                  # required if otn-login or otn-password is empty
      otn-login: ""                   # required if connection is empty
      otn-password: ""                # required if connection is empty
      server-id: ""
      settings-xml: ""
  - security-check:
      perform-analysis: false         # true to turn on security dependency analyzer of maven builds
      create-issues: false            # true to create issue for every affected pom file
      fail-build: false               # true to fail build if vulnerabilities detected
      severity: "low"                 # low (CVSS >= 0.0), medium (CVSS >= 4.0), high (CVSS >= 7.0)
      confidence: "low"               # low, medium, high, highest
      product: ""                     # required if create-issues true; "1" for Default
      component: ""                   # required if create-issues true; "1" for Default
  - ssh:
        private-key: ""               # optional if ssh-tunnel: password specified
        public-key: ""
        passphrase: ""
        server-public-key: ""         # leave empty to skip host verification
        setup-ssh: true.              # true if setup files in ~/.ssh for cmd line tools
        ssh-tunnel: false
        username: ""                  # required if ssh-tunnel true
        password: ""                  # optional if ssh-tunnel true and private-key specified
        local-port: 0                 # required if ssh-tunnel true
        remote-host-name: "localhost" # optional if ssh-tunnel true
        remote-port: 0                # required if ssh-tunnel true
        ssh-host-name: ""             # required if ssh-tunnel true (name or IP)
  - sonarqube-setup:
      sonar-server: ""                # required Server Name as configured in Builds admin
  - xvfb:
      display-number: "0"
      screen-offset: "0"
      screen-dimensions: "1024x768x24"
      timeout-in-seconds: 0
      more-options: "-nolisten inet6 +extension RANDR -fp /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
      log-output: true
      shutdown-xvfb-after: true
  - cancel-configuration-set:
        configuration-set-id: ""         # required
        environment-name: ""             # required
        service-name: ""                 # required
        username:                        # required
        password:                        # required
  - ant:
      build-file: ""
      targets: ""
      properties: ""
      java-options: ""
  - application-ext-packaging:
      build-artifact: "extension.vx" # optional, defaults to 'extension.vx'
      version: ""
  - application-ext-delete:
      v2:                              # true for V2 app extensions; false for V1 (default: false)
      app-id:                          # required for V1 app extensions; unused for V2
      extension-id:                    # required
      extension-version:               # required 
      environment-name:                # required
      service-name:                    # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - application-ext-audit:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
      extension-id:                    # required
      extension-version:               # required
      options: |                       # optional, defaults to 'audit.outputfile=auditoutput.json', each option on its own line
  - application-ext-test:
      karma-browser: "FirefoxHeadless" # optional, defaults to 'FirefoxHeadless'
      karma-log-level: "INFO"          # optional, defaults to 'INFO'
      mocha-timeout: 0                 # optional, defaults to 0
  - apply-configuration-set:
      configuration-set-id: ""         # required
      environment-name: ""             # required
      service-name: ""                 # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - bmccli:
      private-key: ""
      user-ocid: ""            # required
      fingerprint: ""          # required
      tenancy: ""              # required
      passphrase: ""
      region: "us-phoenix-1"   # current valid regions are: us-phoenix-1, us-ashburn-1, eu-frankfurt-1, uk-london-1
                               # more may be added - check OCI configuration
  - docker-certificate:
      registry-host: ""        # required
      certificate: ""          # required
  - docker-build:              # docker commands require vm-template with software bundle 'Docker'
      source: "DOCKERFILE"     # other choices: DOCKERTEXT, URL
      path: ""                 # docker file directory in workspace
      docker-file: ""          # Name of docker file; if empty use Dockerfile
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
      docker-text: ""          # required if source: DOCKERTEXT otherwise not allowed
      context-root-url: ""     # required if source: URL otherwise not allowed
  - docker-image:
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-load:
      input-file: ""           # required
  - docker-login:
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""             # required
      password: ""             # required
  - docker-pull:
      options: ""
      timeout: null            # timeout pull request, in minutes
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-push:
      options: ""
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-rmi:
      remove: "NEW"            # other options: ONE, ALL
      options: ""
      image:                   # only if remove: ONE
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-save:
      output-file:             # required
        registry-host: ""      # if omitted Docker Hub is assumed
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-tag:
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
        registry-host: ""      # required
        registry-id: ""
        image-name: ""         # required
        version-tag: ""
  - docker-version:
      options: ""
  - export-configuration-set:
      sandbox-name: ""                 # required
      description: ""
      id-parameter-name: "CONFIGURATION_SET_ID"  # optional, defaults to 'CONFIGURATION_SET_ID'
      include-all-modules: false
      optional-modules: ""             # Comma-separated list of (zero or more) Optional Module names or codes, eg. "CRM,BI"
      move-all-changes: false
      skip-target-check: false
      environment-name: ""             # required
      service-name: ""                 # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - fn-build:
      build-args: ""
      work-dir: ""
      use-docker-cache: true
      verbose-output: false
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
  - fn-bump:
      work-dir: ""
      bump: "--patch"          # other choices: "--major", "--minor"
  - fn-deploy:
      deploy-to-app: ""        # required
      build-args: ""
      work-dir: ""
      deploy-all: false
      verbose-output: false
      use-docker-cache: true
      no-version-bump: true
      do-not-push: true
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
      api-url: ""              # required
  - fn-oci:
      compartment-id: ""       # required
      provider: ""
                               # Note: the passphrase field is no longer required nor allowed
  - fn-push:
      work-dir: ""
      verbose: false
      registry-host: ""
      username: ""
  - fn-version: {}
  - gradle:
      use-wrapper: false
      wrapper-gradle-version: ""            # ignored unless use-wrapper: true
      make-executable: false                # ignored unless use-wrapper: true, then default true
                                            # must set make-executable: true if wrapper doesn't already exist
                                            # corresponds to Create 'gradlew' wrapper
      from-root-build-script-dir: false     # ignored unless use-wrapper: true
      root-build-script: ""                 # ignored unless from-root-build-script-dir: true; script directory
      tasks: "clean build"
      build-file: "build.gradle"
      switches: ""
      use-workspace-as-home: false
      description: ""
      use-sonar: false                      # if true sonarqube-setup must be configured
  - import-configuration-set:
      configuration-set-id: ""         # required
      ignore-unpublished-sandboxes: false
      environment-name: ""             # required
      service-name: ""                 # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - maven:
      goals: "clean install"
      pom-file: "pom.xml"
      private-repo: false
      private-temp-dir: false
      offline: false
      show-errors: false
      recursive: true
      profiles: ""
      properties: ""
      verbosity: NORMAL                # other choices: DEBUG, QUIET
      checksum:  NORMAL                # other choices: STRICT, LAX
      snapshot:  NORMAL                # other choices: FORCE, SUPPRESS
      projects: ""
      resume-from: ""
      fail-mode:  NORMAL               # other choices: AT_END, FAST, NEVER
      make-mode:  NONE                 # other choices: DEPENDENCIES, DEPENDENTS, BOTH
      threading: ""
      jvm-options: ""
      use-sonar: false                 # if true, sonarqube-setup must be configured
  - nodejs:
      source: SCRIPT                   # other choice: FILE
      file: ""                         # only if source: FILE
      script: ""                       # only if source: SCRIPT
  - oic-activate-integration:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identifier: ""                   # required, the uppercase integration identifier
      version: ""                      # required, the integration version
      deactivate: true                 # when replacing the integration, deactivate it first if it is active
      oracle-recommends-flag: true     # see
      record-enabled-flag: false
      tracing-enabled-flag: false
      payload-tracing-enabled-flag: false
  - oic-delete-integration:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identifier: ""                   # required, the uppercase integration identifier
      version: ""                      # required, the integration version
  - oic-delete-lookup:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      lookup-name: ""                  # required, the name of the lookup to delete
  - oic-delete-package:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      package-name: ""                 # required, the name of the package to delete
      deactivate-integrations: false   # if true, automatically deactivate integrations before deleting package
  - oic-export-integration:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identifier: ""                   # required, the uppercase integration identifier
      version: ""                      # required, the integration version
      include-recording-flag: false
  - oic-export-lookup:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      lookup-name: ""                  # required, the name of the lookup to export
  - oic-export-package:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      package-name: ""                 # required, the name of the package to export
      include-recording-flag: false
  - oic-import-integration:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      integration-archive: ""          # required, the filename of the integration archive file (<IDENTIFIER>_<VERSION>.iar)
      import-method: "ADD"             # other choices: REPLACE, AUTOMATIC
      deactivate: true                 # when replacing the integration, deactivate it first if it is active
      include-recording-flag: false
      activate: false                  # see
      oracle-recommends-flag: true
      record-enabled-flag: false
      tracing-enabled-flag: false
      payload-tracing-enabled-flag: false
  - oic-import-lookup:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      lookup-archive: ""               # required, the filename of the lookup archive file (<lookupname>.csv)
      import-method: "ADD"             # other choices: REPLACE, AUTOMATIC
  - oic-import-package:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      package-archive: ""              # required, the filename of the package archive file (<packagename>.par)
      import-method: "ADD"             # other choices: REPLACE, AUTOMATIC
      deactivate-integrations: true    # when replacing the package, deactivate any of its active integrations first
      reactivate-integrations: true    # after replacing the package, reactivate any integrations that were deactivated by the deactivate-integrations option
      include-recording-flag: false
  - oic-update-connection:
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identifier: ""                   # required, the identifier of the connection to update
      json-file: ""                    # required if json-text not specified, the filename of the json file containing connection properties to update
      json-text: ""                    # required if json-file not specified, the inline json text containing connection properties to update
  - oic-upload-connection-property-attachment
      environment-name: ""             # required, identifies the environment containing the OIC instance
      service-name: ""                 # required, the OIC instance for the operation
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identifier: ""                   # required, the identifier of the connection to update
      property-name: ""                # required, the name of the property to attach the upload file to
      file-path: ""                    # required, specifies the zip file or WSDL file to upload
      service-wsdl: ""                 # required if file-path is a zip file, specifies file path of WSDL file within the zip
  - oracle-deployment:                 # currently Visual Applications, Application Extensions, and JCS using REST are supported
      environment-name: ""             # required, scopes the service-name
      service-name: ""                 # required, the service instance type determines the deployment type
      username: ""                     # required if Visual Application or Application Extension deployment
                                       # required if JCS deployment, and then it is the weblogic username
      password: ""                     # required if Visual Application or Application Extension deployment
                                       # required if JCS, and then it is the weblogic user's password
      application-version: ""          # optional if Visual Application (defaults from visual-application.json), else n/a
      application-profile: ""          # optional if Visual Application, else n/a
      include-application-version-in-url: true  # required if Visual Application, other choice: false
      data-management: "KEEP_EXISTING_ENVIRONMENT_DATA"     # required if Visual Application, other choice: "USE_CLEAN_DATABASE" 
      sources: ""                      # optional if Visual Application (defaults to build/, else unused
      build-artifact: ""               # optional if Visual Application (defaults to build/, else unused
                                       # required if Application Extension
                                       # required if JCS
      application-name: ""             # required if JCS, else n/a
      weblogic-version: ""             # for JCS (if specified, must be 12.2.x)
      https-port: "7002"               # required if JCS
      protocol: "REST"                 # for JCS (if specified, one of REST, REST1221)
      targets: ""                      # required if JCS, one or more names of target service or cluster, comma-separated
  - psmcli:
      username: ""                     # required
      password: ""                     # required
      identity-domain: ""              # required
      region: US                       # other choice: EMEA
      output-format: JSON              # other choice: HTML
  - restore-configuration-set:
      configuration-set-id: ""         # required
      environment-name: ""             # required
      service-name: ""                 # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - shell:
      script: ""
      xtrace: true
      verbose: false                   # both verbose and xtrace cannot be true
      use-sonar: false                 # if true sonarqube-setup must be configured
  - sqlcl:
      username: ""
      password: ""
      credentials-file: ""
      connect-string: ""
      source: SQLFILE                  # other choice: SQLTEXT
      sql-file: ""                     # only if source: SQLFILE
      sql-text: ""                     # only if source: SQLTEXT
      role: DEFAULT                    # other choices: SYSDBA, SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM, SYSASM
      restriction-level: DEFAULT       # other choices: LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2, LEVEL_3, LEVEL_4
  - vbappops-export-data:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
      app-data-file:                   # required
  - vbappops-import-data:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
      app-data-file:                   # required
  - vbappops-lock-app:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - vbappops-unlock-app:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - vbappops-undeploy-app:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - vbappops-rollback-app:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      vb-project-id:                   # required
      vb-project-version:              # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
  - visual-app-packaging:
      sources: "build/"     # optional, defaults to 'build/'
      build-artifact: "build/" # optional, defaults to 'build/'
      optimize: true                     # boolean
  - visual-app-audit:
      environment-name:                # required
      service-instance:                # required
      username:                        # required
      password:                        # required
      app-url-root:                    # required
      app-version:                     # required
      options: |                       # optional, defaults to 'audit.outputfile=auditoutput.json', each option on its own line
  - visual-app-test:
      karma-browser: "FirefoxHeadless" # optional, defaults to 'FirefoxHeadless'
      karma-log-level: "INFO"          # optional, defaults to 'INFO'
      mocha-timeout: 0                 # optional, defaults to 0
  - artifacts:
      include: ""                     # required
      exclude: ""
      maven-artifacts: false
      include-pom: false              # ignored unless maven-artifacts: true
  - export-param:                     # Add a parameter after git before rest of build
      parameter-name: ""              # required - name of added parameter
      file-path: ""                   # required - file that contains value of parameter
      sensitive: false                # true if sensitive, e.g., password or private key
  - export-params:                    # Add one or more parameters as above (cannot be used to add password parameters)
      file-path: ""                   # required - file that contains one or more lines of the format
                                      #   NAME=value
  - git-push:
      push-on-success: false
      merge-results: false
      tag-to-push: ""
      create-new-tag: false
      tag-remote-name: "origin"
      branch-to-push: ""
      branch-remote-name: "origin"
      local-git-dir: ""
  - javadoc:
      javadoc-dir: "target/site/apidocs"
      retain-for-each-build: false
  - junit:
      include-junit-xml: "**/surefire-reports/*.xml"
      exclude-junit-xml: ""
      keep-long-stdio: false
      organize-by-parent: false
      fail-build-on-test-fail: false
      archive-media: true
  - sonarqube:                            # sonarqube-setup must be configured
      replace-build-status: true          # Apply SonarQube quality gate status as build status
      archive-analysis-files: false
  - abort-after:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      fail-build: false
  - build-retry:
      build-retry-count: 5
      git-retry-count: 5
  - discard-old:
      days-to-keep-build: 0
      builds-to-keep: 100
      days-to-keep-artifacts: 0
      artifacts-to-keep: 20
  - git-poll:
      cron-pattern: "0/30 * * * * #Every 30 minutes"
  - log-size:
      max: 50                     # megabytes
  - logger-timestamp:
      timestamp: true
  - periodic-build:
      cron-pattern: "0/30 * * * * #Every 30 minutes"
  - quiet-period:
      seconds: 0
  - versions:
        Java: "17"      # For templates the configurable options (with defaults wrapped in '*' chars) are
                        #   Java: 8, 11, *17*, 8 (GraalVM)
                        # For the Built-in (Free) executors, the options are
                        #   Java: 8, 11, or *17*
                        #   nodejs: 0.12 or *10* 
                        #   python3: 3.5, or *3.6* 
                        #   soa: 12.1.3, or **

YAML Job Configuration Examples

Here are several examples of YAML job configurations:

Job Configuration YAML Code

This configuration creates a job that runs Maven goals then archives the artifacts:

  • Job Name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  • Job's Build Executor Template: Basic Build Executor Template
  • Git repository: employee.git
  • Maven step:
    • Goals: clean install
    • POM file: employees-app/pom.xml
  • After build action:
    • Archived artifacts: employees-app/target/*
  name: MyFirstYAMLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build Executor Template
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/employee.git"
  - maven:
      goals: clean install
      pom-file: "employees-app/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "employees-app/target/*"

This configuration creates a job to run Docker steps that log in, build, and push an image to the OCI Registry:

  • Job Name: MyDockerJob
  • Job's Build Executor Template: Docker and Node.js Template
  • Job Description: Job to build and push a Node.js image to the OCI Registry
  • Git Repository: NodeJSMicroDocker.git
  • Docker steps:
    • Docker registry host:
    • Username: myoci/ociuser
    • Password: My123Password
    • Image name: myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage
    • Proxy options: --build-arg https_proxy=http://my-proxy-server:80
  name: MyDockerJob
  description: Job to build and push a Node.js image to OCI Registry
  vm-template: Docker and Node.js Template
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/NodeJSMicroDocker.git"
  - docker-login:
      registry-host: ""
      username: "myoci/ociuser"
      password: My123Password    
  - docker-build:
      source: "DOCKERFILE"
      options: "--build-arg https_proxy=https://my-proxy-server:80"
         image-name: "myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage"
         version-tag: "1.8"
         registry-host: ""
       path: "mydockerbuild/"
  - docker-push:
        registry-host: ""
        image-name: "myoci/ociuser/mynodejsimage"
        version-tag: "1.8"
  - docker-image:
        options: "--all" 

This configuration creates a job that uses SQLcl to run SQL commands and a script:

  • Job Name: RunSQLJob
  • Job's Build Executor Template: Basic Build Executor Template
  • SQL steps:
    • Username: dbuser
    • Password: My123Password
    • Connect string:
    • SQL commands:
      CD /home
      select * from Emp
    • SQL script file: sqlcl/simpleselect.sql
  name: RunSQLJob
  vm-template: Basic Build Executor Template
  - sqlcl:
      username: dbuser
      password: My123Password
      connect-string: ""
      sql-text: "CD /home\nselect * from Emp"
      source: "SQLTEXT"
  - sqlcl:
      username: dbuser
      password: My123Password
      connect-string: ""
      sql-file: "sqlcl/simpleselect.sql"
      source: "SQLFILE"

This configuration creates a job that runs Maven goals and archives the artifacts:

  • Job Name: MyADFApp
  • Job's Build Executor Template: JDev and ADF Template
  • Git Repository: ADFApp.git
  • Run a build on a push update to the patchset_1 branch: Yes
  • Git repository branch: patchset_1
    • Files to track for changes: myapp/src/main/web/.*\.java
    • Files to ignore for changes: myapp/src/main/web/.*\.gif
    • Remove untracked files before running a build: Yes
    • Display the commit author in the log: Yes
  • Copy artifacts from another job: ADFDependencies
    • Artifacts: adf-dependencies.war
  • Oracle Maven Repository connection:
    • OTN username:
    • OTN password: My123Password
  • Maven step:
    • Goals: clean install package
    • POM file: WorkBetterFaces/pom.xml
  • After build steps:
    • Artifacts to archive: WorkBetterFaces/target/*.ear
  • Other settings:
    • Java version: 17
    • Discard old builds: Yes
      • Number of builds to keep: 50
      • Number of builds to keep: 10
    • Periodic build trigger:
      • Hour: 2
      • Minutes: 30
    • Build retry count: 5
    • SCM retry count: 10
    • Abort if the build is stuck: 1 hour
  name: MyADFApp
  vm-template: JDev and ADF Build Executor Template
    branch: "patchset_1"
  - url: "https://mydevcsinstance-mydomain/.../scm/ADFApp.git"
    branch: patchset_1
    build-on-commit: true
    included-regions: "myapp/src/main/web/.*\\.java"
    excluded-regions: "myapp/src/main/web/.*\\.gif"
    clean-after-checkout: true
  - copy-artifacts:
      from-job: ADFDependecies
      artifacts-to-copy: adf-dependencies.war
  - oracle-maven:
      otn-login: ""
      otn-password: My123Password
  - maven:
      goals: clean install package
      pom-file: "WorkBetterFaces/pom.xml"
  - artifacts:
      include: "WorkBetterFaces/target/*.ear"
    - discard-old:
        days-to-keep-build: 50
        builds-to-keep: 10
    - versions:
          Java: 17
    - git-poll:
        cron-pattern: "0/30 5 * 2 *"
    - abort-after:
        hours: 1
    - build-retry:
        build-retry-count: 5
        git-retry-count: 10