Pipeline Layout

From a pipeline's Layout page, you can view the pipeline diagram and textual layout summary.

To access a pipeline's layout page:

  • In the Pipeline Details page, click the View Layout button.
  • In the Pipelines tab, click the Actions Actions menu menu for the pipeline you want to view and select View Layout.

In a pipeline diagram, the arrow colors represent the dependencies between jobs in the flow.

  • Green: The child job will run if the parent job is successful.
  • Red: The child job will run if the parent job fails.
  • Orange: The child job will run if the test run of the parent job fails.
  • Purple: Two or more conditions point to the same node.

Hover over an arrow to view information on the conditions and dependencies between child and parent jobs.

Hover over a job note to view the job number, job ID, and dependencies between child and parent jobs.

To view a textual summary of the pipeline flow, click the Pipeline Layout Summary in the upper right corner of the page.