Use Service Instance Statuses to Troubleshoot Problems

You can use the service instance statuses and troubleshooting/support information in this section to understand and correct problems indicated by error statuses. Understanding what these error conditions result from can shed light on what could be causing the problems and point to what you need to do to fix them.

Here are the current Service Instance statuses and some of their causes:

Status Description
Usually occurs when the user can't be validated with the target instance:
  • For an IDCS resource, ensure that the logged-in user is a valid user in the target instance.
  • For an application endpoint connection, ensure that the user and credentials specified are valid.
  • For an Oracle Cloud Applications target instance, ensure that the VB Studio instance has been allowlisted (formerly called whitelisted).

If all the causes have been ruled out, the problem may be due to an infrastructure issue. Contact Oracle Support.


The target instance didn't return a response in an acceptable length of time. The request to return status may eventually complete, at which time the status will change, but this status indicates a problem with the target instance's health and should be investigated if it persists.


The target instance is available and responding to API requests.

Not Available

The target instance reported an Unavailable status (HTTP 503).


An unexpected error occurred while contacting the target instance for its status. If this condition persists, contact Oracle Support.

Not Found
An HTTP 404 error was returned when contacting the target instance:
  • For an IDCS resource, ensure that the instance is up and running and there is a network route between the VB Studio and target instances.
  • For an application endpoint connection, ensure that the URL is specified correctly and points to a VB, Integration Cloud, or Oracle Cloud Applications instance.

Could also be caused by proxy timeouts, network connection issues, or load balancer problems.


IDCS resources were deactivated.

Returned for an IDCS resource only, indicating that the resource has been deactivated in IDCS, preventing access to that resource. Contact your IDCS administrator to reactivate it or remove the IDCS resource from the environment.


This is the default status before the target instance is contacted and verified. It should change to one of the other statuses listed in this table.

If the status persists in this state, contact Oracle Support.