View and Update Issues

To view or update an issue, click the issue’s summary or the ID link on the Issues page. An issue link could also be found in the recent activities feed, wikis, Agile boards, and merge requests.

While updating an issue, you can change its status, properties, reassign it to another member, and change its priority or severity. You can also add comments in the Comments tab, upload attachments in the Attachments tab, and check the update history of an issue in the History tab. Updates made to issues can also be tracked in the recent activities feed of the Project Home page.


VB Studio doesn't provide an option in the user interface for deleting an issue and doesn't provide the means to perform such a deletion from the service's backend database, even with administrative permissions. Instead, you should resolve and close the issue, using one of the available fields (such as Entered in error, Duplicate, Other) and add a comment explaining the reason. Another alternative is to archive the issue, which effectively hides it from being viewed in several places in the Issues and Agile pages. See Archive Issues to learn more about this non-destructive process.