View a Deployed Extension

After the deployment job runs successfully, you can view the deployed extension in the Environments page's Deployments tab:

  1. In the left navigator, click Environments Environments.
  2. Select the Oracle Cloud Application's environment.
  3. Click the Deployments tab.
  4. Click the Application Extensions toggle button.
  5. If the Oracle Cloud Application's access credentials have changed, provide the new credentials.
  6. Expand the base Oracle Cloud Application to view its deployed extensions.
    The Deployments tab may show two categories of deployed extensions, Application Extensions extensions and the older Application Extensions Classic extensions, which were based on an older version of Oracle Cloud Applications that's no longer supported.

    For each Application Extensions extension, the page displays its name, description, version, and status. You can select the Show only active versions checkbox to hide inactive versions and/or the Show Previewed/Shared versions check box to display shared or previewed extensions. When you expand each deployed extension, you can see its dependencies, App UIs, the job that deployed it, and when it was published. Here's an example:

    Deployment tab showing two deployed Application Extension extensions

To open an app UI in a deployed Application Extensions extension, click the Open icon.