What Can I Do at the Project Level?

The actions you can perform in VB Studio depend on your project membership status.


In any project, an organization administrator can assign himself or herself the Project Owner role. This will grant them the same project permissions as any other project owner. An organization administrator can't even open a project unless they are a member and, even then, it is the project membership type that determines their project permissions.

Here's what you can do in VB Studio pages, depending on your project membership status:

Action Project Owner Developer Developer Limited Contributor Non-member
Git Repository          
Create, edit, or delete a Git repository Yes Yes Yes    
Push commits to a Git repository Yes Yes Yes    
Clone and read files from a Git repository Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maven Repository          
Write or upload files to the Maven repository Yes Yes Yes    
Read files from the Maven repository Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
NPM Registry          
Read packages from the project's NPM registry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Publish packages to the project's NPM registry Yes Yes Yes    
View snippets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, edit, and delete snippets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Merge Requests          
Search and view merge requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add comments to merge requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, merge, and close merge requests Yes Yes Yes    
Add and remove reviewers Yes Yes Yes    
Add and remove linked issues Yes Yes Yes    
Add and remove linked builds Yes Yes Yes    
Start linked builds Yes Yes Yes    
Search and view issues Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create and edit issues Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View boards (backlog, active sprints and issues, but not reports) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, copy, and edit one's own boards Yes Yes      
Copy and edit boards owned by others Yes Yes      
Delete one's own boards Yes Yes      
Delete boards owned by others Yes        
View sprint reports Yes Yes      
View wiki pages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add comments to wiki pages but cannot change page content Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, edit, and delete wiki pages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View builds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Run builds and receive build notifications Yes Yes Yes    
Create, configure, and delete jobs Yes Yes      
Create, configure, and delete pipelines Yes Yes      
View environments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, configure, and delete environments Yes Yes      
Add and remove instances Yes Yes      
View workspaces Yes Yes Yes    
Add and manage workspaces Yes Yes Yes    
View releases Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Create, edit, and delete releases Yes Yes      
View a Docker registry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Write to a Docker registry Yes Yes Yes    
Access to project administration pages for all features, team administration Yes