
Oracle Visual Builder Studio uses a certificate authority (CA) certificate, issued by Verisign, to enable clients to connect securely to the server.


Ensure that you have the appropriate login credentials for accessing the VB Studio instance and running job and pipeline builds.

You access the VB Studio REST resources over HTTPS and you must provide the following information for authentication:
  • An SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate file or bundle to authenticate against the Verisign CA certificate.

  • User name and password for your VB Studio account.

For example, to authenticate using curl:

  • Set the curl environment variable, CURL_CA_BUNDLE, to the location of your local CA certificate bundle. For information about CA certificate verification using curl, see:

  • Pass the user name and password for your VB Studio account using the -u curl option.

  • Pass the <request-header> custom request header using the -H curl option.

Here is an example curl command that shows how to use your VB Studio credentials (username and password):
curl -i -X GET -u <username>:<password> -H <request-header>:<value> https://<subdomain>.<domain>.com:<port>/<resource-path>


If you are using curl to work with REST APIs and federated users in a multi-stripe Oracle Cloud Applications environment, one approach you can use to authenticate is to create a Personal Access Token (PAT) and then use it as a bearer token. See Set Up Token-Based Authentication.

After you create the token, see the example in Sending Curl Request with Bearer Token to learn about how to use curl with the -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}" authorization header to send the token to the server. If you don't send the token this way, you will encounter an HTTP Status 401 error, which means that you are not authorized to make the call.