Send Requests

Use these guidelines when sending requests using the Oracle Visual Builder Studio REST API.

URL Structure

Here's the URL structure for Builds API requests:


And here's the structure for Issues API requests:


  • server is the host URL where Oracle Visual Builder Studio is running.

  • org-id is the unique identifier for your VB Studio organization.

  • org-id_project-id is a unique identifier for your project in VB Studio.

  • resource-path is the relative path that defines the resource.

From the Project Home page, you can fetch the server, org-id, and org-id_project-id information needed to construct the URL.

To get the org-id_project-id information, from your project's Project Home page, click on the Repositories tab, and look at the Maven or Git repository URL. Look for the part before /maven/ or /scm/repository-name.git at the end of each respective URL. Some projects may also include a numeric value appended to the project name.


If you're the project owner, it may be easier to just select Project Administration in the navigator, click the Properties tile, then look in the Identifier field to find the org-id_project-id part of the URL.

Supported Methods

You can perform these basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on a resource by using standard HTTP method requests:

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieves information about the builds, pipelines, or issues in Visual Builder Studio.

Updates the issue, build, or pipeline.


Starts the build, starts the pipeline, or validates YAML in the Builds API.

Creates an issue, adds a duplicate issue, or adds a subissue in the Issues API.

DELETE Deletes the issue, build, or pipeline.


The HTTP PUT method is used to "upload" items to a particular URI, or overwrite what is already there, in that URI. The HTTP POST method, on the other hand, provides a way to submit data that is related to a given URI.

Media Types

The following media types are supported by the Oracle Visual Builder Studio REST API:

  • application/json

  • application/text

Supported Headers

The Oracle Visual Builder Studio REST API supports the following headers that may be passed in the header section of the HTTP request or response:

Header Description Example
Accept-Encoding List of acceptable encodings to support compression. Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding List of acceptable encodings to support compression. Content-Encoding: deflate
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST and PUT requests. Content-Type: application/

More Information about Issues v3 API Headers

The Accept header must be specified in every request made using the Issues v3 API. The Content-type header must be specified for all POST and PUT requests, as well. Media types can be either application/json or application/

A typical GET request's Accept header would be:

curl ... -H "Accept: application/" ...
A typical POST or PUT request would also include:

curl ... -H "Accept: application/" -H "Content-type: application/" ...
The format of the JSON data returned by the server is the same for both media formats, except that with the application/json type, returned JSON data is always wrapped in a root element that identifies the resource's name/type. For example, an issue returned from the server will look like this:
{"issue":{"id":1,"summary":"My first Issue" ... }}
With the application/ format, it would look like this:
{"id":1,"summary":"My first Issue" ... }

When a resource's JSON data is submitted in the body of a request, the root element can't be wrapped. If it is, the server will reject the request.