This document describes how to manage and use public links to access certain folders and files in Oracle WebCenter Content.


WebCenter Content (on Marketplace) supports public links feature via a new component called SharedLinks. It allows guest users (aka anonymous users) to access certain folders and files in WebCenter Content that are shared via public links without the need to have a WebCenter Content account or the need to log in.

Note: Public links are not supported on systems where Records Management is enabled.

A public link is created either for a folder or for a file. A public link should have an expiration date and be protected by an access code. There are REST APIs to perform the following management operations:

A public link with R privilege on a file can be used to view that file’s metadata information and to view or download its renditions (system generated or custom uploaded) and attachments.

A public link with R privilege on a folder can be used to view that folder’s metadata information and to browse through its folder hierarchy. That public link can also be applied to all the descendant folders and files.

A public link with RW privilege on a folder, in addition to above read operations, can be used to create sub folders and upload new files or new revisions of existing files under that folder.

A public link with RWD privilege on a folder, in addition to above read, create, and upload operations, can be used to permanently delete any descendant folder or file under that folder.

Note: An anonymous user with a RWD public link cannot perform delete/move to trash operation.

When calling WebCenter Content REST API to access a folder or a file, you need to pass this query parameter: dLinkID={linkId}. If the public link has an access code, you can pass the access code either as a query parameter (dAccessCode={accessCode}) or as a Cookie header (with name dAccessCode-{linkID} or dAccessCode).


Example 1

Get document information for a file with dDocName ABContent012345 via a public link with ID LF7F0ADC33DA869AF8890EF876ABC0755573CE05CA48 and access code Xsdfwgr2h:

GET https://{host}:{port}/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/ABContent012345?dLinkID=LF7F0ADC33DA869AF8890EF876ABC0755573CE05CA48&dAccessCode=Xsdfwgr2h

Example 2

Browse a folder with ID F08E631C39EC3839268C6D87A307721D via a public link with ID LFA54057E782BFE2FD2AAAC8FAC8DC5620B02D4F64B2 and access code 7frnveyg9rone:

GET https://{host}:{port}/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders/F08E631C39EC3839268C6D87A307721D?dLinkID=LFA54057E782BFE2FD2AAAC8FAC8DC5620B02D4F64B2&dAccessCode=7frnveyg9rone

Example 3

Create a sub folder SubFolder1 in security group Secure under a folder with ID 76A08AFFFFE797345C6DD64BC30AEAF6 with a RW public link ID LF9E16DE60F25AB6E4356E0D1B361AABC6E219366459 and access code dery3f4fyer:

POST https://{host}:{port}/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/folders?fParentGUID=76A08AFFFFE797345C6DD64BC30AEAF6&fFolderName=SubFolder1&fSecurityGroup=Secure&dLinkID=LF9E16DE60F25AB6E4356E0D1B361AABC6E219366459&dAccessCode=dery3f4fyer

Example 4

Upload a file red_icon.png in security group Secure under the same folder (and use the same RW public link as in Example 3):

POST https://{host}:{port}/documents/wcc/api/v1.1/files/data?dLinkID=LF9E16DE60F25AB6E4356E0D1B361AABC6E219366459&dAccessCode=dery3f4fyer with a multi-part form that contains

About Component Configuration

The SharedLinks component provides the following configurations:

Name Description Default Max
PublicLinkAccessCodeRequired Whether public link access code is required false N/A
PublicLinkDefaultExpirationDateInDays Default expiration date in days 30 1095
PublicLinkMaxExpirationDateInDays Maximum expiration date in days 180 1095
PublicLinkPerItemLimit Maximum number of public links allowed per folder/file 25 100